

Setting Points of the School Health Committee of the National Chung Hsing University

Established at the 409th administrative meeting on September 6, 2017
Revised and approved at the 464th administrative meeting on June 26, 2024


I. In order to maintain physical and mental health of the students, faculty and staff of the University, improve hygiene of environment and canteens, enhance life quality, and promote health education of the University, the School Health Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) was specially set up.

(一) 學校年度衛生保健工作計畫之擬定、規劃、審議、督導與執行。
(二) 學校年度衛生保健工作之檢討與改進。
(三) 學校衛生保健教育與活動之策畫與協調。
(四) 學校環境衛生之建議與督導。
(五) 學校餐廳及飲用水之督導與改進。
(六) 其他有關本校衛生保健工作之協調與建議。

II. The Committee is responsible for the following matters:
(1) Formulation, planning, deliberation, supervision and implementation of the University’s annual health care work.
(2) Review and improvement of annual health care work.
(3) Planning and coordination of health care education activities.
(4) Suggestions and supervision of the University’s environmental health.
(5) Supervisions and improvement of canteens and drinking water.
(6) Coordination and suggestions about other health care works of the University.


III. The Committee consists of 15 members, the president or a vice president designated by the president shall acts as chairman of the Committee and takes charge of calling and presiding meetings. Dean of Student Affairs serves as vice chairman of the Committee. Ex officio members include Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of General Affairs, Chief of the Office of Accounting, Chief of the Office of Personnel, Chief of the Office of Physical Education and Sports, Chief of the Occupational Safety and Health and Environmental Protection Center, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Dean of the Medical College, 1 teacher representative of the Department of Food Science and Biotechnology ( or Graduate Institute of Food Safety), 2 representatives of the Student’s Union, and 1 representative of the Student Meal Management Committee. Members hold the position without pay, and employment term is one school year. Members may be re-engaged for successive terms.


IV. The position of executive secretary of the Committee is concurrently held by chairman of the Health and Counseling Center, who shall be responsible for assisting chairman of the Committee in dealing with related business. Nurse practitioners and dieticians of the Health and Counseling Center shall take positions of committee officer, who shall be responsible for relevant administrative business of the Committee.


V. The Committee shall at least hold one meeting each term, which is called by chairman of the Committee. Provisional meetings will be held in case of necessity.


VI. The Committee can only hold a meeting on condition that over half of its members attend. A decision can only be made on condition that over half of present members agree. Members shall attend the meeting in person. However, if a member cannot attend a meeting for some reason, his/her substitute shall attend on behalf of him/her.


VII. Supervisors of other units and relevant personnel shall be invited and appointed to sit in on the Committee’s meeting as required.


VIII. Setting Points of the Committee shall be implemented after being approved at the administrative meetings. This is also applicable for revision.



委員會 職稱 本校所屬單位及職稱 執掌
主任委員 校長 綜理學校衛生相關工作之推動
副主任  委員 學務長 一、  協助主任委員推動學校衛生相關事宜
二、  策畫並督導健康教學有關事宜
三、  督導健康活動事宜
四、  督導學校衛生事宜
五、  綜理校內緊急應變處理有關事項
委員 教務長 督導全校性課程規劃,融入健康促進議題
委員 總務長 督導環境、餐廳設備相關事宜
委員 人事室主任 督導衛生保健相關之人事業務
委員 主計室主任 督導相關經費審核、核銷事宜
委員 體育室主任 策畫並督導健康體能教學、活動相關事宜
委員 環境保護暨安全衛生中心主任 策畫並督導環境安全事宜
委員 生活輔導組組長 襄助校長指導委員會運作
委員 住宿輔導組組長 襄助校長指導委員會運作
委員 課外活動組組長 襄助校長指導委員會運作
委員 事務組組長 襄助校長指導委員會運作
委員 營繕組組長 襄助校長指導委員會運作
委員 資產經營組組長 一、執行對承包商租金、罰款事宜
三、 其他相關事宜
委員 環保組組長 一、餐廳廢棄物處理與病媒管制
委員 食品暨應用生物科技學系教師代表 協助餐飲安全與餐飲健康教育相關事宜
委員 學生會代表 協助蒐集師生對餐廳及承包商反映意見
委員 學生膳食管理委員會代表 協助每學期定期餐廳食品抽樣檢驗
執行秘書 健康及諮商中心主任 推動學校衛生委員會相關工作
幹事 健康及諮商中心護理師 協助執行秘書辦理學校衛生委員會有關工作
幹事 健康及諮商中心營養師 協助執行秘書辦理學校衛生委員會有關工作