活動主題: 【幸福花時光 - 手作永生花玻璃球】 Topic:Happy Flower Time – Handmade Glass Balls of Preserved Flowers
活動時間: 114年06月04日 (三)13:30-16:30 Date:6/4, Wednesday, 13:30-16:30
活動對象:本校學生 Target:All students
活動地點: 雲平樓 B1 會議室 A Location:Yun Ping Building Conference Room A(B1)
講師: 黃穎軒Ollie老師(蒔嚐花藝工作室) Speaker: Teacher Ollie (Shichang Flower Art Studio)
註一:本活動以中文進行 This lecture is conducted with mandarin.
註二:本活動提供通識自主學習點數1點 This lecture provide 1 self learning point.
註三:事先報名提供餐盒 Meal boxes are provided for pre-registered participant
請留意!「活動報名確認信」僅為系統收到報名後的自動回覆信,「並不代表報名成功」喔,請靜待收到健諮中心【行前通知信】才表示您可參與活動唷!Please note! The "Activity Registration Confirmation Letter" is only an automatic reply letter after the system receives the registration. "It does not mean that the registration is successful." Please wait until you receive the [Pre-departure Notification Letter] from the Health Counseling Center to indicate that you can participate in the activity!
※主辦單位保有報名人員參加活動之審核權The organizer reserves the right to review applicants who participate in the event※
主辦單位:國立中興大學健康及諮商中心 National Chung Hsing University Health and Counseling Center