公開徵求!!【導生活動—密室逃脫,誰來挑戰】Tutor and student activities:Escape room, who will challenge?
#好玩的導生活動哪裡有? Where are the fun tutor and student activities?
#健諮中心有!! right here!
05/06(Tue)(★該場次已額滿,暫不受理報名囉★)、05/09(Fri) 12:10-16:30(每場僅開放三隊報名) (Only three teams are open to register for each game)
活動地點Location:笨蛋工作室美村旗艦店 (活動專車接送) Idiot Studio Meicun Flagship Store(Special car transportation for events)
★《武仁新村》報名人數最少6人,最多10人《no one survived》The minimum number of applicants is 6 and the maximum is 10
★《入學式》報名人數最少6人,最多8人《Entrance ceremony》The minimum number of applicants is 6 and the maximum is 8
★《平安戲院》報名人數最少6人,最多8人《Ping An Theater》The minimum number of applicants is 6 and the maximum is 8
報名方式:由「導師」帶領班級或研究室組隊(優先錄取第一次報名的老師、同學,無帶隊老師恕不接受報名喔!)Registration method: The tutor will lead the class or laboratory to form a team (priority will be given to teachers and students who sign up for the first time. Registration will not be accepted without a teacher leading the team!)
※主辦單位保有最終調整活動之權利The organizer reserves the right to make final adjustments to the event
'*' 為必填項目