興憩小站-圖書館駐點諮詢服務(Hsing Chill Station Library-based Consultation Services)~
114/03/03從挫折中撿拾寶藏-以漫畫及故事看見自己的生命韌性(Picking up treasures from setbacks - seeing your own resilience in life through comics and stories)
★活動名稱: 從挫折中撿拾寶藏-以漫畫及故事看見自己的生命韌性
Topic: Picking up treasures from setbacks - seeing your own resilience in life through comics and stories
Time: 2025/03/03(Monday)09:30 ~11:30
lecturer:: Tang Biguo, Counseling Psychologist
Target audience: All students.( 6 students)
Location:Group study Room 508 on the 5th floor of the library
Activity Description: This activity will explore, reflect and share past life experiences. Interested parties please carefully consider whether you can devote yourself to this activity design before signing up!
'*' 為必填項目