我喜歡我自己~自我價值X乾燥花表達性藝術療癒 I like myself ~ Self-worth x Dried flowers expressive art therapy

截止報名時間 2025-03-14 13:30 名額 25 人 ,已報名 25 人,尚有餘額 0 人 人氣:561

活動主題: 我喜歡我自己~自我價值X乾燥花表達性藝術療癒I like myself ~ Self-worth x Dried flowers expressive art therapy

★活動時間: 114年03月19日 (三)13:30-16:30 Date:3/19, Wednesday, 13:30-16:30  

★活動對象:本校學生 Target:All students

★活動地點: 綜合教學大樓1308教室 Location: Classroom 1308, Integrated Teaching Building

★講師: 鍾雅惠諮商心理師 (馬大元診所) Speaker: ZHONG, YA-HUI Counseling Psychologist(MA,DA-YUAN Clinic)


※This activity provides 1 hour of independent study points


※If you are unable to participate in the event, please inform the organizer as soon as possible.


National Chung Hsing University Health and Counseling Center
