興憩小站-圖書館駐點服務-114/4/11(五) 壓力是助力還是阻力? (Does stress support or bother you?-Stress Management Workshop)
★活動主題: 壓力是助力還是阻力? (Does stress support or bother you?-Stress Management Workshop)
★活動時間:114/04/11(五) 10:00-12:00(Time: 2025/04/11, 10:00-12:00)
★活動地點: 圖書館地下室蝶舞教室(Location: Presentation Room, Learning Commons, Library B1 floor)
★帶領者: 邱怡潔實習心理師 (Leader: Yi-Jie, Chiou Intern Counseling Psychologist)
★對象:本校學生30人 (Headcount:30 students)
【※This lecture will be conducted in English and foreign students will be admitted first】
Stress is the natural reaction your body has when changes or challenges occur. It will support you to achieve the goal but might bother you in the daily life if It’s out of control. Let’s get to know more about it!
You are about to learn during this lecture…
1. What’s stress?
2. How to realize that I’m stressed out from mentally and physically.
3. How to make friend with stress?
'*' 為必填項目