NCHU X ASML【英文履歷撰寫工作坊】English Resume 101,讓你求職 Hit Home Run

截止報名時間 2024-09-20 13:00 名額 120 人 , 已報名 0 人, 尚有餘額 120 人 人氣:62
registration deadline: 2024-09-20 13:00 Quota: 120 , registered: 0, available slots: 120 hits: 62

【English Resume Workshop】English Resume 101: Hit Home Run in your Job Search.

This activity is conducted in Chinese.



ASML is the world's largest semiconductor equipment manufacturer and the world's only lithography equipment manufacturer that uses EUV. ASML takes a key position in the semiconductor industry. In these 40 years, ASML has continued to invest in research and development to overcome various difficult technical challenges. Don't miss out on the chance to participate in the English resume writing workshop scheduled for 2024 at NCHU. Graduate students are strongly encouraged to sign up for this event. Take this opportunity to improve your resume and become a standout candidate in the global stage! 

ASML為全球頂尖半導體設備商,為晶片製造提供全方位微影技術解決方案。開放與多元彈性的工作環境,鼓勵全球優秀人才加入。一起體驗Care, Collaborate, Challenge的企業文化!

ASML is a top semiconductor equipment manufacturer, offering cutting-edge lithography technology solutions for chip manufacturing. Join our diverse and inclusive team and be a part of our culture of Care, Collaborate, Challenge. 

ASML多元人才計畫:包含獎學金、實習、研發替代役 (RDSS)與預聘 (AO),職涯發展掌握在你的手裡,立刻報名加入本次活動以瞭解更多!

Learn about our Diversity Talent Program, which includes scholarships, internships, RDSS, and AO. Take charge of your career and sign up for this event today!

▲2024/9/20(五)前請將您的履歷E-mail至,PDF檔名及電郵主旨請設定為 ASML英文履歷健診-姓名

Please email your resume to before 2024/9/20 (Friday). Name PDF and email subject as "ASML English Resume Review - YOUR_NAME."

Reminder: Resume should be written with reference to the job requirements!


If you have any questions, please email Ms. Li at the Career Development Center at


2024-09-27   NCHU X ASML【英文履歷撰寫工作坊】English Resume 101,讓你求職 Hit Home Run
電子郵件 Email*
 請留意,本活動僅開放國立中興大學研究所在學學生報名參與。若尚不具備相關身分,即無法參與本次活動,敬請見諒。This event is only open to current graduate students at National Chung Hsing University. If you do not meet the qualifications, we apologize but you will not be able to participate. Thank you for understanding.
 為使本次活動富有成效,報名時須 E-mail 您本人的履歷(Resume)至,使ASML HR更好地強化您的履歷撰寫優勢。To ensure event success, please Email your resume to during registration so ASML HR can enhance its strengths.
 請提供您的最新履歷 (Resume),不須包含自傳、CV或Cover Letter之其他形式文件。Please submit your most updated resume, excluding any other forms of documents such as personal statements, CVs, or cover letters.
 個人資料蒐集聲明 Statement
本問卷填寫基於個人資料保護法(以下簡稱個資法)及相關法令之規定,請您提供個人資料,以作ASML人力資源規劃之徵才需要,並同意您的資料會交由ASML使用,針對您的個人資料進行蒐集、處理、利用與國際傳輸,提供您相關職缺資訊與服務。Your personal data will be collected for the Recruitment Event in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other applicable laws and regulations.You agree that ASML may use the personal information provided by you to verify your identity, contact you, and provide you with information about the relevant job openings at ASML and other services under the privacy policy.
個人資料蒐集聲明 Statement*
姓名 Name*
性別 Gender*
學號 Studnet Number*
行動電話 Mobile Phone Number*(填寫範例:0912345678,通知活動資訊使用,請正確填寫)
教育程度 Education Level*
院系 Department*
年級 Current Grade*
預計畢業日期 Expected Graduation Date*
英語相關檢定 English Qualification Exam*
續上題,該英語檢定測驗分數 English Qualification Exam Score*
您的建議 或 對ASML想講的話? Other suggestions or interested toward ASML if any
 您即將完成本次活動的報名流程。請留意: 填寫報名資料不代表報名成功。報名成功者(須E-mail您本人的履歷至將於活動前3-5天以E-mail 發送活動通知,本活動須憑通知信入場。As you complete the registration process for this event, please be aware of the following:Registration does not guarantee entry. Successful registrants will receive an email notification 3-5 days prior to the event. Remember to bring the notification letter for your entry.
提醒您,報名成功者將於活動前3-5天以E-mail 發送活動通知。Limited spots available for this event. Registered participants will receive event notifications via email 3-5 days prior.*
驗證碼 Verification Code*
個資聲明 Personal Information Protection Statement*
I understand and agree to the Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Data Collection Agreement on this website.

'*' 為必填項目