12/19(三) 英文履歷表撰寫/面試技巧與模擬問答{活動時間變更}

截止報名時間 2012-12-19 18:30 名額 170 人 , 已報名 170 人, 尚有餘額 0 人 人氣:2307
registration deadline: 2012-12-19 18:30 Quota: 170 , registered: 170, available slots: 0 hits: 2307




講師: ”ICRT EZ English Class” 創辦人暨主講人朱爾威 先生  




活動時間改為12/19(三)18:30,地點同樣為圖書館六樓會議廳,造成不便,請見諒。 *






Writing a Resume  (履歷表撰寫)





1.  How to Structure your Resume? (履歷表架構)

2.  How to make your Resume attractive? (如何讓履歷表吸睛又搶眼?)

3.  3 Steps to Write a Great Resume  (3個步驟)

4.  Top 5 Resume Dos and Donts   (履歷表之5 要 與5)

5.  Writing a Perfect Cover Letter   (書寫有力的Cover Letter)


Prepare an English Job Interview  (英語面試技巧)

A.  面試策略 如何準備面試?

知己知彼百戰百勝, 情報收集, 分析與應對方法

B. 面試題目與應答技巧

1.  Tell me about yourself  (自我介紹)

2.  Why do you want to work for this company?  (為何想加入本公司?)

3.  Why should we hire you?   (為什麼我們要顧用你?)

4.  What’s  your strength and weakness?  (你的優點與弱點為何?)

5.  What’s your biggest failure and accomplishments?  (你的重大失敗與成就?)

6.  Why did you leave your previous job?   (你為何離開前一個工作?)

7.  What’s your long term objective?   (你的長期目標是什麼?)

8.  How would you move Mt. Fuji?  (你如何移動富士山?)

9.  How many gas stations are there in the United States? (美國有多少個加油站?)

10.Why the manhole cover is round?  (為何人孔蓋是圓的?)

11.The scale of baby diaper market in China? (中國嬰兒尿片市場規模多大?)

12.A 747 jet airplane can load how many golf balls? (一架747可裝多少顆高爾夫球?)

13.What is your salary expectations for this job?   (你的期望薪水?)

14.How to negotiate salary?    (如何談薪水?)

15.What to ask at the end of an interview?   (面試結束時要問什麼問題?)

16.How to dress in interviews?    (如何穿著?)

17.Follow up your interviews.     (面試後如何跟進?)

18.Tips for successful interviews   (面試成功的重要原則)



The registration period has ended.