重要訊息公告 |
公告 Top 【113學年第1學期-課外活動組所轄場地】– 申請活動場地及開放注意事項公告/First Semester of 113 Academic Year - Venues under the jurisdiction of the Extracurricular Activities Division – Announcement of Application Venues and Opening Precautions |
2024-08-06 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 課外組場地及器材注意事項/Extracurricular Venue and Equipment Guidelines |
2024-11-13 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 113學年度第1學期社團護照及學生獎懲公告/Application of Student Association Passports & Student Merit and Penalty for the 1st Semester of the 113th Academic Year |
2024-10-25 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 【請務必注意】外部人士冒名本校社團名義進行活動 [Important] External Individuals Impersonating Campus Club Members |
2024-09-13 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 2024社團博覽會將於9月2日下午4點30分至7點20分於惠蓀堂前廣場舉辦,請參閱攤位場配圖/The 2024 Club Expo will ebe held on Sptember 2nd from 4:30 PM to 7:20 PM at the plaza in front of Hui Sun Hall. Please refer to the booth layout map. |
2024-08-22 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 2024年9月2日社團博覽會擺攤注意事項/Important Notes for Booth Setup at the 2024 Club Expo on September 2 |
2024-08-22 |
重要訊息公告 |
2024社團博覽會即日起開始報名至7月22日止/Registration for the 2024 Club Expo is open from today until July 22. |
2024-06-25 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 第52屆菁英幹部訓練研習營開放報名/The 52nd Elite Leadership Training Workshop Is Now Open For Registration. |
2024-06-24 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 113年暑假期間課外活動組所轄場地開放調整/During the summer vacation of 2024, the venues of the Extracurricular Activities Division are open and adjusted. |
2024-06-18 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 113學年度自治團體及社團負責人改選及交接通知/Notice of Re-Election and Handover of Heads of Self-Governing Organizations and Student Associations |
2024-06-11 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 各級學校113年暑假期間學生活動安全注意事項 /Safety Precautions for Student Activities During the Summer Vacation of Year 113 for Schools of All Levels |
2024-06-03 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 113/5/17 課外活動組暫停辦公–籌辦興城灣盃大型活動 Extracurricular Activities Division will be temporarily closed due to the preparations for the 17th CHCW Cup |
2024-05-15 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 112學年度應屆優秀畢業生(服務獎)當選名單 Outstanding Graduates (Service Award) for the 112th Academic Year |
2024-05-14 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 2024畢業典禮畢業生致詞代表獲選名單公告Announcement of Student Commencement Speakers of Academic Year 2023-24 |
2024-05-08 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 112學年度第2學期社團護照及學生獎懲公告/Application of Student Association Passports & Student Merit and Penalty for the 2nd Semester of the 112th Academic Year |
2024-03-20 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 2024國立中興大學畢業典禮畢業生致詞代表甄選Call for Applications for Student Commencement Speaker Academic Year 2023-24 |
2024-03-11 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 【112學年第2學期-課外活動組所轄場地】– 申請活動場地及開放注意事項公告/Second Semester of 112 Academic Year - Venues under the jurisdiction of the Extracurricular Activities Division – Announcement of Application Venues and Opening Precautions |
2024-01-31 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 教育部修正「學校辦理校外教學活動租用車輛應行注意事項」部分規定,請依最新規定辦理 / The Ministry of Education has revised certain provisions of the "Guidelines for Renting Vehicles for School Off-Campus Activities." Please follow the latest regulations accordingly. |
2023-10-24 |
重要訊息公告 |
公告 第51屆菁英幹部訓練研習營(課程手冊下載)51st Elite Leadership Training Camp (Course Manual Download) |
2023-08-17 |