第52屆菁英幹部訓練研習營開放報名The 52nd Elite Leadership Training Workshop is now open for registration.

截止報名時間 2024-08-23 07:00 名額 120 人 ,已報名 0 人,尚有餘額 120 人 人氣:32





  • 對象請各社團社長及系學會會長務必參加,每個社團或系學會至多一位,不克參加者請務必指派重要幹部代理。
  • 活動費用全數免費!
  • 活動日期8月23日(五)-8月24日(六)。
  • 地點:小禮堂及日月潭,晚上住宿在日月潭。
  • 報名時間:即日起至7月22日下午5時
  • 報名成功且全程參加研習課程者可領取NCHU幹訓上衣乙件,報名截止後若需更換參加名單,主辦單位不保證可領取到適合之尺寸。衣服尺寸對照表如下:
  • 如何確定報名成功:報名成功後,您填寫的信箱會收到「第52屆社團幹部訓練研習營」的信件。報名表單如有疑義,請來信至課外組信箱(actnam@nchu.edu.tw)。
  • 本活動如有未盡事宜,主辦單位得隨時修訂公布於本活動網頁,不另行通知。




Not sure how to apply for school facilities and equipment? Feeling lost in organizing events? Just elected as president or chairman and feeling overwhelmed? Join the Club Leadership Training to quickly grasp the essentials for success!

Expected Benefits:

Through leadership training, students will gain understanding of various aspects of school operations in club activities, and will be taught relevant legal knowledge to prevent inadvertent legal  violations during event organization.

Basic Information:

  • Participants:  All club presidents and department association presidents must attend. Each club or department association can send at most one representative. Those unable to attend must appoint a crucial officer as a delegate.
  • Activity fee: Free !
  • Activity dates: August 23rd (Friday) - August 24th (Saturday).
  • Venue: Small Auditorium and Sun Moon Lake, with overnight accommodation at Sun Moon Lake.
  • Registration Period: From now until 5:00 PM on July 22nd.
  • Upon successful registration and full attendance in the training program, participants will receive one NCHU training  shirt. After the registration deadline, changes to the participant list may affect shirt size availability. See the size chart below for shirt sizes.
  • Confirmation of Registration: After successful registration, you will receive an email confirmation titled "52nd Club Leadership Training Workshop" For any questions regarding the registration form, please email actnam@nchu.edu.tw.
  • The organizers reserve the right to revise and publish additional details about the event on the event webpage without further notice.



第52屆菁英幹部訓練研習營開放報名The 52nd Elite Leadership Training Workshop is now open for registration.
社團性質/Nature of the club(association) *
社團或系學會全名/The full name of the club or departmental association *
學號/Student ID number *
性別/Gender *
手機電話/Mobile phone number*
舉例:0900111222,中間請不要有- e.g.,0900111222 ,and no dash
飲食習慣/Dietary habits *
身分證字號/ID number *
外籍生請填居留證號碼Foreign students, please fill in your Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) number
出生年月日(民國)/Date of birth (in the Republic of China calendar)*
舉例:0910131 e.g., 0910131
外籍生國籍/Nationality of foreign students
外籍生請加填,本地生不用填Foreign students please fill in; local students do not need to fill in
衣服尺寸/Clothing size *
 請注意,資料送出後如要更正,請寄信至課外組(actnam@nchu.edu.tw),本系統僅會記錄第一筆送出資料,請勿重覆報名/Please note that if you need to make corrections after submitting your information, please send an email to the extracurricular activities department at actnam@nchu.edu.tw. Our system will only record the first submission of data, so please avoid submitting duplicate entries.
個資聲明/Personal Information Protection Statement*
I understand and agree to the Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Data Collection Agreement on this website.

'*' 為必填項目