主旨:為終止性暴力,敬邀  貴校師生共同參與2024「Stand by You~相信傾聽 ·陪伴前行」性暴力預防倡議行動,惠請協助推動及鼓勵師生踴躍參加,請  查照。


一、本會自 2017 年起推動性暴力預防倡議,至今邁入第 8 年。2023年metoo浪潮掀起後,許多受害者勇敢發聲,但社會大眾對於性暴力事件仍存有著諸多迷思,而這正是害受者難以求助的原因。2024年以「相信傾聽.陪伴前行」為訴求,希望透過課程活動,呼籲大家多一點善意,你我的相信傾聽,就是最好的陪伴力量,幫助受害者邁向復原之路。
二、國際丹寧日緣起: 1992年在義大利,一名18歲少女穿著丹寧牛仔褲遭受性侵害,卻被法官認為丹寧褲過緊,若非同意不可能被脫下,而判加害者無罪定讞,引起各國廣大抗議。之後,美國民間組織發起將四月最後一個週三訂為「國際丹寧日」。敬邀   貴校於4月24日「穿著丹寧服飾」並持手舉牌拍照,一同來破除完美被害人的迷思。


In order to end sexual violence, invited you to participate in the 2024 "Stand by You ~" sexual violence prevention initiative.

1.Modern Women's Foundation Promoting sexual violence prevention initiatives since 2017, now in its 8th year. After the MeToo wave started in 2023, many victims bravely spoke out, but the public still has many myths about sexual violence, and this is why it is difficult for victims to seek help. Hope through the course activities, we can call on everyone to be more kind. You and I believe that listening is the best companionship to help victims on the road to recovery.

2.Origin of Denim Day: In 1992 in Italy, an 18-year-old girl was sexually assaulted while wearing denim jeans. However, the judge considered the denim pants too tight and could not be taken off without consent, and the perpetrator was found not guilty. It caused widespread protests in various countries. Later, American non-governmental organizations initiated the designation of the last Wednesday of April as "Denim Day". Your school is invited to "wear denim" and take photos with a sign on April 24th to dispel the myth of the perfect victim.