
113學年度第2學期陳守先生紀念獎助學金收件期間:5月1日至5月15日17時 Mr. Chen Shou Memorial Scholarship Application dates : 05/01~05/15(For TAIWANESE students ONLY)


Purpose of Establishment



Mr. Chen Jin-Fu, an alumnus of our school, has made a generous donation of NT$1,000,000 to National Chung Hsing University to establish the "National Chung Hsing University Chen Shou Memorial Scholarship."

This donation is made in honor of his father, who lived a life of diligence and perseverance, was passionate about helping others, and instilled in his children the values of ambition, compassion, and gratitude. The scholarship aims to support underprivileged students in their pursuit of academic and personal excellence.



每名 2 萬元    NT$20,000 per person



共 10 名   10 recipients


Eligibility Criteria


Undergraduate students who meet at least one of the following criteria and have been approved for the Ministry of Education’s tuition and fee reduction for the current semester:

1. 低收入戶 Low-income households

2. 中低收入戶 The near-poor household

3. 特殊境遇家庭子女或孫子女 Children or grandchildren of families facing special circumstances

4. 身心障礙學生或身心障礙人士子女 Students with handicapped, or children of individuals with handicapped.

5. 原住民學生 Indigenous students

6. 獲教育部弱勢助學金補助學生 Students receiving financial aid from the Ministry of Education’s Disadvantaged Student Assistance Program

7. 家庭突遭變故且家庭年所得總額114萬元以下經學校審核通過者  Students whose families have experienced sudden financial hardship and whose total annual household income is below NT$1,140,000, as verified by the university


Application Method


Submit the required documents to the Student Life Division at our university (2nd Floor, Hui-Sun Auditorium).


Required Documents

1.申請表並填報google表單。 Complete the application form (complete the Google form online).

2.前一學期學業與操行成績單,轉學生用前學校成績申請。Academic and conduct transcript from the previous semester. Transfer students should submit transcripts from their previous institution.

3.當學期高教深耕輔導活動10小時以上出席時數證明  Proof of attendance for at least 10 hours of Higher Education Program's counseling activities in the current semester.


(If you are unable to obtain the 10-hour attendance certificate before the application deadline, please contact Ms. Zeng.)

    ※高教深耕輔導活動--生涯發展中心活動報名網頁 https://goo.gl/FfUPph

Higher Education Progeam's counseling activities – Career Development Center event registration page:https://goo.gl/FfUPph


※ Hsing Health Lecture Series – Please check the Health Counseling Center webpage or call 04-22840241 for inquiries.


※ Proof of attendance – Please request the certificate from the organizing unit of the event.

收件截止日:114 年 5 月 1 日 至 5 月 15 日 17時止

Deadline: From May 1, 2025 to May 15, 2025, 5:00 PM

洽詢方式:04-22840663 生輔組

Contact : 04-22840663 Student Life Division



1. 本獎學金由興翼獎學金審查委員會審核,該委員會審核會議預計114年6月初召開。 This scholarship will be reviewed by the Hsing-Yi Scholarship Review Committee, with the review meeting expected to be held in early June 2025.

2. 獲得本項獎助學金之同學應於期末考前繳交致捐款人約200字之親筆感謝函至學務處生輔組轉送校友中心,


Recipients of this scholarship must submit a handwritten thank-you letter of approximately 200 words to the donor before final exams. The letter should be submitted to the Student Life Division of the Office of Student Affairs, which will forward it to the Alumni Center.

Additionally, recipients are required to attend the scholarship seminar, tentatively scheduled for June 10 or June 12 at noon. Any changes to the schedule will be announced separately.

3. 洽詢電話:04-22840663   學務處生活輔導組

Contact : 04-22840663 Office Of Student Affairs, Student Life Division.


How to Obtain Commonly Used Documents


◎ Transcript: Apply at the Registration Division.