
113學年度第2學期國立中興大學助學功德金收件期間:5月1日至5月15日17時 National Chung Hsing University Financial Aid Application dates : 2025/05/01 ~ 2025/05/15 (For TAIWANESE students ONLY)

設立宗旨Purpose of Establishment

Our university aims to pool the collective goodwill to support students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds, helping them to complete their studies successfully.


金額:每名補助二至五萬元。Amount: NT$20,000 to NT$50,000 per recipient.

Quota: Tentatively 15 recipients, with the actual number of awards to be adjusted by the Hsing-Yi Scholarship Review Committee based on the budget.


Domestic students currently enrolled at National Chung Hsing University who meet one of the following criteria. Domestic students must also have applied for and been approved for tuition and fee reduction by the Ministry of Education for the current semester:
Students from low-income families
 Students from medium low-income families
 Children or grandchildren from special circumstances families
 Students with physical/mental disabilities and children of persons with physical/mental disabilities
 Indigenous students
 Students receiving disadvantage grants from the Ministry of Education

申請方式Application Procedure

Submit the required documents to the Student Life Division (2nd Floor, Hui-Sun Auditorium) at our university.


Required Documents

1. 繳交申請表並填報google表單本學期參加高教深耕輔導活動10小時以上出席時數證明
Application form (complete the Google form online) and proof of at least 10 hours of attendance in higher education development activities for the current semester.
(Please download the Word file, type the information using a computer, and sign the signature section by hand.)

(If you are unable to obtain the 10-hour attendance proof by the submission deadline, please contact Ms. Zeng.)

Proof of attendance for higher education development activities: Contact the course provider at 04-22840237. Visit the Career Development Center’s activity registration webpage https://goo.gl/FfUPph for more information.

Health Lecture Series: Visit the Health Counseling Center’s webpage or call 04-22840241 for inquiries.

2. 自傳乙篇約2000字以上(請說明家庭狀況、求學經過、年度學習計畫、未來展望等)及預定回饋計畫(1頁)。
Autobiography of approximately 2000 words (including family background, educational journey, annual study plan, future outlook, etc.) and a one-page plan for giving back.

3. 113年度全戶所得清單及財產證明(須檢附三個月內全戶戶籍謄本、全戶113年度個人所得資料、全戶113年度財產清單等相關證明;全戶係指父母親、兄、弟、姊、妹、含自己)。
Income and asset statements for the year 2024 (include a household registration transcript from within the last three months, individual income data for 2024, asset list for 2024, and other related documents; household refers to parents, siblings, and the applicant).

4. 舊生申請者須附一位老師之推薦信(親筆或打字均可,但必須親自簽名)。大學部、轉學生及研究生新生入學申請者免附,但必須附保證書(申請人及家長或監護人必須簽章),保證就讀完本校一學年以上,無特殊原因轉離本校者,應全數退還本助學金。
Returning students must include a recommendation letter from one teacher (either handwritten or typed but must be personally signed). This is not required for undergraduate students, transfer students or new graduate students, but they must provide a guarantee letter (signed by the applicant and parent or guardian) promising to complete at least one year of study at this university. If they leave without special reasons, the scholarship must be fully refunded.

5. 前2學期成績單含班排名(新生及轉學生用前學校成績單申請)
Transcripts for the previous two semesters including class ranking (new students and transfer students should use transcripts from their previous school).

收件日期:114年5月1日至5月15日17時止 Deadline: 2025/05/01~ 2025/05/15, 5:00 PM.

洽詢電話:04-22840663生輔組 曾小姐 Contact: 04-2284-0663, Ms. Zeng



Recipients of this scholarship should,upon employment after graduation, contribute back an amount equivalent to the scholarship received, based on their ability, to ensure the sustainability of the fund and benefit more financially disadvantaged students.

The scholarship review meeting is expected to be held at the end of November 2024.


Applicants for the scholarship must first confirm that they have applied for tuition and fee reduction for the current semester and have participated in at least 10 hours of higher education development activities.


Scholarship recipients must submit a handwritten thank-you card of about 200 words to the Student Life Division before the final exams.


Methods to Obtain Common Documents

◎所得證明及財產證明:請向各地區國稅局申請Income and asset proof: Request from the local National Tax Bureau.
查調財產所得全攻略 Comprehensive Guide to Checking Property and Income
Household registration transcript: Obtain from the household registration office.