Purpose of Establishment
Mr. Lin Hsi-Chi, an outstanding alumnus of the College of Law and Business at our university, has been successful in his business endeavors. He donates NT$300,000 annually to establish a scholarship fund for financially disadvantaged and diligent students at his alma mater, named the "Ms. Lin Liu Jinzhu Scholarship for Diligent Students."
金額 Amount
每名 1 萬元 NT$10,000 per recipient
18 名 18 recipients
Eligibility Criteria
Must be a registered student of National Chung Hsing University (students enrolled in extension education classes are not eligible).
Students from all departments with a semester average academic score of 70 or above and a conduct score of 80 or above.
Students from families with significantly reduced income or financial difficulties (annual family income below NT$700,000) or those registered as low-income households by the government.
Applicants who have not received public funding and have not applied for or received other scholarships.
Application Method
Submit the required documents to the Student Life Division (2nd Floor, Hui-Sung Hall) at our university.
Required Documents
1. 申請表1份(須經系所主管核章) One application form (must be stamped by the department head)
(Please download the Word file, type the information using a computer, and sign the signature section by hand.)
2. 前學期成績單(舊生)、前畢業學校成績單(轉學生)
Transcript for the previous semester (for returning students) or transcript from the previous school (for transfer students)
3. 500字以內自傳(須含申請原因與獎學金運用方式)
Autobiography of no more than 500 words (must include the reason for applying and how the scholarship will be used)
4. 低收入戶證明+前一年度家庭個人所得清單(含學生本人及父母)
Proof of low-income status + personal income statement for the previous year (including the student and parents)
5. 清寒證明+前一年度家庭個人所得清單(含學生本人及父母)+3個月內戶籍謄本
Proof of financial hardship + personal income statement for the previous year (including the student and parents) + household registration transcript from within the last three months.
第4項及第5項擇一檢附 Choose either item 4 or item 5
收件截止日:114 年 3 月 3 日 至 3 月 14 日 17 時止
Submission Period: From March 3, 2025, to March 14, 2025, 5:00 PM.
洽詢方式:04-22840663 曾小姐 Contact: 04-2284-0663, Ms. Zeng
◎本獎學金之發放由捐款人擇期頒發。The scholarship will be awarded at a date chosen by the donor.
◎未參加頒獎典禮暨座談會,視同棄權,不核給獎學金。Failure to attend the award ceremony will be considered a forfeiture of the scholarship.
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of awards, selection will be based on semester average grades.
Methods to Obtain Documents
◎清寒證明:向戶籍地村里長申請。Proof of financial hardship: Request from the village or township chief in your registered household area.
◎成績證明:註冊組外的自動繳費列印機。Transcript proof: Obtain from the automatic payment printer outside the registration office.
Proof of low-income status: Request from the local township or district office in your registered household area.
◎所得證明:請向各地區國稅局申請。Income proof: Request from the local National Tax Bureau.
查調財產所得全攻略 Comprehensive Guide to Checking Property and Income