113學年度興翼獎學金收件期間:113年10月21日至11月8日National Chung Hsing University Hsing-Yi Scholarship Application dates : 21st Oct. 2024 ~ 8th Nov. 2024 (For TAIWANESE students ONLY)

National Chung Hsing University Hsing-Yi Scholarship Application Announcement

Purpose of Establishment
To encourage economically disadvantaged students to pursue their studies and to inspire a spirit of diligent, our university has established the Hsing-Yi Scholarship.

Freshmen in the first year of the bachelor's program who meet one of the following conditions and have their tuition and miscellaneous fees reduced by the Ministry of Education in the current semester:
  1. 低收入戶  Low-income households
  2. 中低收入戶 The near-poor household
  3. 特殊境遇家庭子女或孫子女 Family in Hardship
  4. 身心障礙學生或身心障礙人士子女(符合當學期教育部身心障礙類別學雜費減免資格者)Students with disabled, or children of individuals with disabled.(Students who qualify for the Ministry of Education’s tuition and incidental fees reduction under the disability classification in the current semester.)
  5. 原住民學生(符合當學期教育部原住民學生學雜費減免資格者)
    Indigenous students (Students who qualify for the Ministry of Education’s tuition and fees reduction under the Indigenous student classification in the current semester).
  6. 獲教育部弱勢助學金計畫補助之學生(若確定符合申請教育部弱勢助學金資格者,可申請)
    Receive grants under the Ministry of Education’s Disadvantaged Students Assistance Program. (Applicants who confirm their eligibility for the Ministry of Education's disadvantaged student financial aid may apply.).

Application Method
備齊所需文件至本校生輔組 (惠蓀堂2樓) 申請
Submit the required documents to the Student Life Division at our university (2nd Floor, Hui-Sun Auditorium).

Required Documents
  1. 申請表(請下載word檔並用電腦打字,簽名欄位請親筆簽名)並請線上填報google表單
    Application Form (Please download the file and type it, and personally sign in the signature field). Additionally, please fill out the google form.
  2. 各項申請資格應檢附證明(已申請學雜費減免者免附)
    Supporting documents for each application requirement should be provided (unless already applying for Tuition & Fees reduction, in which case documentation is not required).
     Low-income households, near-poor households, and families in hardship.
    Students with disabilities, or children of individuals with disabilities.
    (3)原住民學生。Indigenous students

    Students who receive assistance under the Ministry of Education’s disadvantaged student grant program (must meet the criteria for applying for the disadvantaged student grant for the current academic year).
  3. 其他有利審查之資料(如:特殊表現證明文件等)
    Other supporting documents (e.g., certificates of special achievements).
  4. 參加高教深耕輔導活動10小時以上出席時數證明  (如果確認於收件截止日前,無法取得10小時出席時數證明,請電洽曾小姐)
    Proof of attending at least 10 hours of Higher Education Program counseling activities (If you are unable to obtain proof of 10 hours of attendance by the submission deadline, please contact Ms. Tseng by phone).
  5. 一週課表 Weekly class schedule
  6. 學測成績單(高職生或未考學測者免附) GAST score report (Not required for vocational high school students or those who did not take the test).

※高教深耕輔導活動--生涯發展中心活動報名網頁 https://goo.gl/FfUPph  或電洽04-22840237詢問
Higher Education Progeam's counseling activities--Career Development Center https://goo.gl/FfUPph or call 04-2284-0237 for inquiries.

Healthy Lecture Hall, please check the Health and Counseling Center’s website for announcements or call 04-2284-0241 for inquiries.

For proof of attendance hours, please request it from the course provider.


113年10月21日至113年11月8日17時止 From October 21, 2024, to November 8, 2024, 5:00 PM.



  1. 本獎學金提供40萬元8名,每學期核撥 5 萬元,分8個學期核撥完畢。本獎學金由興翼獎學金審查委員會審核,該委員會審核會議預計113年11月底召開。
    This scholarship provides NT$400,000 for 8 recipients, with NT$50,000 allocated each semester, distributed over a total of 8 semesters. The scholarship will be reviewed by the Hsing-Yi Scholarship Review Committee, which is expected to hold its meeting at the end of November 2024.
  2. 領有本項獎學金者,請於期末考前1個月繳交出席證明及致捐款人200字以上親筆感謝函(僅需於第1學期提供一次)至學務處生輔組。
    Recipients of this scholarship must submit proof of attendance and a handwritten thank-you letter of at least 200 words to the donors (only required once during the first semester) to the Student Life Division one month before the end-of-term exams.
  3. 領有本項獎學金者,續領條件為:每學期成績總平均60分以上或班排名前50%,且需參加高教深耕輔導活動至少10小時以上,高教深耕時數證明自第2個學期起需於開學後6週內繳交出席證明至學務處生輔組。

    To continue receiving this scholarship, recipients must meet the following conditions: 

    - Maintain a semester GPA of at least 60 or rank in the top 50% of the class.
    - Participate in at least 10 hours of Higher Education Program counseling activities.

    Proof of attendance for these activities must be submitted to the Student Life Division within 6 weeks after the start of each semester, starting from the second semester.

  4. 獎學金與其他新生入學獎學金以不重覆支領為原則。
    Scholarships and other new student entrance awards are generally not to be received simultaneously.
  5. 洽詢電話:04-22840663   學務處生活輔導組
    Contact: 04-2284-0663, Student Life Division
  6. 資料取得方式 How to Obtain Information:

Proof of income and assets→ Request from local National Tax Bureau offices.  

※ 查調財產所得全攻略  Comprehensive Guide to Checking Property and Income Information

Transcript: Available from the automatic payment printer at the Registration Office.

Household registration transcripts: Please request from the Household Registration Office..

Proof of financial disadvantage: Please submit a request to the Chief of the Village where your domicile is registered.