
113學年度第2學期國立中興大學勤學獎助學金收件期間:5月12日至5月23日17時National Chung Hsing University Financial and Economic Law Student Scholarship Application Dates: 2025/05/12 ~ 2025/05/23 (For TAIWANESE students ONLY)


Purpose of Establishment


To reward diligent students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds, our university has established the Scholarship for Financial Hardship and Diligent Study.



每名2萬元  20,000 TWD per recipient




35 undergraduate students, 19 graduate students



  1. 大學部:前學期學業成績班上前百分之五十以內;操行成績平均85分以上且無不良紀錄(新生免計操行)。Undergraduate: Must be in the top 50% of the class based on the previous semester's academic performance; average conduct score of 85 or above with no misconduct record (conduct score not required for new students).
  2. 研究所:前學期學業成績平均80分以上;操行成績平均85分以上且無不良紀錄(新生免計操行)。Graduate: Average academic score of 80 or above for the previous semester; average conduct score of 85 or above with no misconduct record (conduct score not required for new students).
  3. 家庭年收入低於70萬元、利息所得低於5千元且家庭財產總額(不含存款)低於300萬元和車輛1台以內者。若因高利率存款致利息年所得逾新台幣5千元或已無存款者,得檢附相關證明由學校審核認定。Family annual income below 700,000 TWD, interest income below 5,000 TWD, and total family assets (excluding savings) below 3,000,000 TWD with a maximum of 1 car. If high-interest savings result in interest income exceeding 5,000 TWD annually or if there are no savings, relevant proof must be submitted for review and verification by the university.
  4. 延修生或因修習雙主修、輔系而延長就學、已領其他獎助學金2萬元以上者每學年享有就學優待達2萬元以上者不得申請。Students who have extended their study period due to double majors or minors, have received other scholarships exceeding 20,000 TWD, or have annual educational benefits exceeding 20,000 TWD are not eligible to apply.
  5. 須具有中華民國國籍 (僑生另依清寒僑生獎助辦法向學安室提出申請)。Must be a citizen of Taiwanese (overseas students should apply according to the financial hardship scholarship regulations for overseas students through the Office of International Affairs).
  6. 新生用前畢業學校或同等學歷成績單申請。New students should use transcripts from their previous school or equivalent qualifications to apply.


Application Procedure

  1. 申請書請至生活輔導組網頁下載 Download the application form from the Student Life Division website.
  2. 備齊所需文件至本校生活輔導組(惠蓀堂2樓)申請  Submit the completed documents to the Student Life Division (2nd Floor, Hui-Sun Auditorium) at our university.



Required Document

◎申請書  Application Form.

Official transcript for the semester 113-1 (new students should provide the average grades from their previous school; undergraduate students must include class ranking).

Proof of family income list for the year 112.
Proof of family assets for the year 112.
 Household registration transcripts (within 3 copies, ensure the Notes-column section is not omitted).
  Proof of financial disadvantaged.

收件日期:114年5月12日至5月23日17時止 Deadline:  From May 12, 2025 to May 23, 2025, 5:00 PM.

洽詢方式:04-22840663生輔組 Contact:  04-2284-0663, Student Life Division



  1. 家庭成員含申請學生、父母、同居住之祖父母、未婚之兄弟姊妹、已婚且共同居住之兄弟姊妹;已婚之學生則計列父母與配偶;非監護或非同居住(已成年學生)之父母、已歿、失聯、服刑等則不計列,但須附相關證明。Family members include the applicant, parents, cohabiting grandparents, unmarried siblings, and married siblings who live together; married students should include their parents and spouse. Parents who are not guardians or do not live with the student (e.g., if they are deceased, missing, or incarcerated) are not counted, but relevant proof must be provided.
  2. 下列原則順序為獲獎先後並擇優錄取:本學期未領其他獎助學金者、(中)低收入戶、操行成績較高者、成績(排名)較高者。The selection process prioritizes the following criteria: students who have not received other scholarships this semester, low-income households, higher conduct scores, and higher academic performance (ranking).
  3. 本獎學金由接受各界捐助獎助學金管理委員會審核,該委員會審核會議預計114年6月中旬召開。The scholarship will be reviewed by the Scholarship Management Committee for Donations. The committee's review meeting is expected to be held in Dec. 2024.


How to obtain Commonly Used information

◎所得清單證明及財產證明:請向各地區國稅局申請 Proof of income and assets: Request from local National Tax Bureau offices.
Comprehensive Guide to Checking Assets and Income
Transcript: Automatic payment printer at the Registration Office.
Household registration transcripts: Please request from the Household Registration Office.
Proof of financial disadvantage: Please submit a request to the Chief of the Village where your domicile is registered.