113學年度第2學期億豐‧粘銘獎助學金申請公告 Nien Charities Scholarship Application dates : 1st Mar. 2025 ~ 31st Mar. 2025 (For TAIWANESE students ONLY)
設立宗旨 Purpose of Establishment |
粘耿豪、粘肇紘及粘凱隆三兄弟經營「億豐綜合工業」有成,並帶領億豐成為實木框型百葉窗(Shutters)、百葉簾(Blinds)、軟質窗簾(Shades)等窗飾商品的全球領導廠商與國際品牌。為紀念父親粘銘先生創業拓基,並希望促使社會階層垂直流動,增進福祉,設置「億豐.粘銘獎助學金」,提攜校園內力爭上進之優秀學子,助台灣與企業儲備棟樑菁英。 The Nien brothers, Nien Geng-Hao, Nien Zhao-Hong, and Nien Kai-Long, have successfully led "Yifeng Comprehensive Industries" to become a global leader and international brand in the manufacturing of solid wood framed shutters, blinds, and shades. In memory of their father, Mr. Nien Ming, who laid the foundation for their enterprise, and to promote vertical social mobility and enhance welfare, they have established the "Yifeng‧Nien Ming Scholarship" to support outstanding students who strive for excellence and to help Taiwan and businesses cultivate future talents. |
金額/名額 Amount/Quota |
拾萬元 / 名額由粘銘慈善基金會決定 100,000 TWD / Number of recipients to be determined by the Nien Ming Charity Foundation |
申請資格 Eligibility Criteria |
Domestic students currently enrolled in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering, or Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering who meet the following (1) basic requirements and (2) outstanding performance criteria are eligible to apply. (一) 須符合的申請基本條件(1或2擇一即可;3為必備資格) |
申請方式 Application Method |
採線上申請,請將下述檢附文件上傳至官方網站(www.niencharity.org)「線上申請」專區 Apply online by uploading the required documents to the official website (www.niencharity.org) under the "Online Application" section.
必備文件 Required Document |
1.獎助學金申請表。Scholarship Application Form. |
申請期間 Application Period |
上半年請於 3 月 1 日起至 3 月 31 日止完成線上申請; 下半年請於 9 月 1 日起至 9 月 30 日止完成線上申請。 For the first half of the year, apply online from March 1 to March 31; for the second half of the year, apply online from September 1 to September 30. |
洽詢方式 Contact |
聯絡電子郵件:awards@nienmade.com.tw Email: awards@nienmade.com.tw |
備註 Notes |
◎本獎學金由粘銘慈善基金會審核。粘銘慈善基金會官網連結www.niencharity.org The scholarship is reviewed by the Nien Ming Charity Foundation. The official website link is: www.niencharity.org ◎領有本項獎學金者,需參加本校高教深耕學習輔導活動至少10小時。 Recipients must participate in at least 10 hours of the university's higher education development and counseling activities. ◎不含在職生、夜間部與推廣進修者。 Excludes in-service students, evening division students, and continuing education students. |
常用資料 Methods to Obtain Common Documents |
◎成績證明及在學證明:註冊組外的自動繳費列印機 Transcript and proof of enrollment: Available from the automatic payment printer outside the Registration Office. ◎獎懲證明:向生輔組申請。 Disciplinary records: Request from the Student Life Division. |