113學年度第2學期薛克旋教授獎學金收件期間:5月12日至5月23日17時止 Professor Xue Kexuan Scholarship Application dates : 05/12~05/23 (For TAIWANESE students ONLY)
設立 Purpose of Establishment |
薛克旋教授子女為紀念其先父一生慈悲廉儉、熱心教育,鼓勵清寒學子勤學向善,乃捐贈新台幣壹佰萬元整,設置「薛克旋教授紀念獎助學金」,以每年孳息所得做為獎助學金,以資紀念。 The Professor Xue Kexuan Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Professor Xue Kexuan, honoring his lifelong dedication to education, compassion, and frugality. To support academically outstanding students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds, his family has generously donated NT$1,000,000, with the annual interest income allocated as scholarship funding.
金額 Amount |
每名 1 萬元 NT$10,000 per recipient | |
名額 Quota |
3 名 3 awards available | |
申請 Eligibility |
二、家境清寒學生前學期學業總平均成績80分以上,操行成績85分以上。 Academic & Conduct Performance:
三、同一學年未受公費待遇、學費全額補助與領受政府生活費補助(例如低收入戶)者。 Must not be receiving any of the following in the same academic year:
申請 Application Method |
備齊所需文件至本校生輔組(惠蓀堂2樓)申請 |
申請 Required Documents |
一、申請書。Application form 二、前學期成績單含名次證明。Previous semester's transcript, including ranking certification 三、導師推薦函。Recommendation letter from the academic advisor |
收件截止日:114 年 5 月 12 日 至 5 月 23 日 17 時止 Deadline: May 12, 2025 – May 23, 2025 (until 17:00) |
洽詢方式:04-22840663 曾小姐 Contact: 04-22840663, Ms.Tseng |
備註 Notes |
1.檢附前學期成績單(含班上名次)。 Attach the transcript of the previous semester (including class ranking). 2.導師推薦函一份。 A recommendation letter
資料 Document Acquisition |
◎成績證明:註冊組外的自動繳費列印機 ◎Academic Transcript: Available at the self-service payment and printing machine outside the Registration Division. 申請表請下載附檔填寫。Application Form: Please download the attached file and complete it before submission. |