
文章分類 文章標題 發佈時間
News 宣導 Please be aware of predatory journals and conferences 2024-05-21
公告/活動 宣導 請同學務必要留意掠奪性期刊及會議Please be aware of predatory journals and conferences 2024-05-21
校外獎助學金 公告 慈暉文教基金會大學以上優秀清寒學生獎助學金CI-HUI FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP 2024-05-20
校外獎助學金 公告 中技社科技獎學金(創意獎學金)CTCI Foundation technology Scholarship 2024-05-15
校外獎助學金 公告 陳永泰公益信託傳善獎助學金CHEN,YONG-TAI CHARITABLE TRUST SCHOLARSHIPS 2024-05-10
校外獎助學金 公告 大江生醫集團實習獎學金TCI GROUP INTERN SCHOLARSHIPS 2024-05-09
校外獎助學金 公告 行天宮醫學系學生助學金Xingtian Temple Department of Medicine Scholarship 2024-05-09
校外獎助學金 公告 臺中市原住民學生獎學金Taichung City Indigenous Student Scholarships 2024-05-09
校內獎助學金 好消息 112學年第2學期林劉金珠女士勤學獎學金獲獎公告LIN LIU JIN ZHU Scholarship Award Announcement 2024-05-06
News 公告 Chien Cheng STEM Scholarship Application deadline : 31st May 2024 2024-04-30
News 公告 Chien Cheng Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarship Application deadline : 31st May 2024 2024-04-30
校內獎助學金 好消息 112學年第2學期麗裕慈善基金會獎學金、校友總會獎學金獲獎公告 Li Yu Charity Foundation Scholarship & NCHU Alumni Association Scholarship Award Announcement 2024-04-30
校外獎助學金 公告 普仁青年關懷基金會大手拉小手育成計畫Puren Youth Care Foundation Scholarship 2024-04-26
News The "Life Counseling/On-campus Life and Learning Counseling"for the second first of the 113th academic year. 2024-04-26
校外獎助學金 公告 新唐科技股份有限公司獎助學金Nuvoton Technology Corporation( Nuvoton) Scholarship 2024-04-23
就學貸款 112學年度第2學期就學貸款預借校外住宿費與書籍費匯款公告Announcement on the remittance of student loan advances for off-campus accommodation and book fees in the 2nd semester of the 112th academic year 2024-04-19
校外獎助學金 公告 昌益慈善基金會助學獎學金Chang Yih Charitable Foundation Scholarship 2024-04-17
校外獎助學金 公告 合作金庫商業銀行研究獎金Taiwan Cooperative Bank Research Scholarship 2024-04-10