校內獎助學金 |
公告 New 113學年度第2學期國立中興大學勤學獎助學金收件期間:5月12日至5月23日17時National Chung Hsing University Financial and Economic Law Student Scholarship Application Dates: 2025/05/12 ~ 2025/05/23 (For TAIWANESE students ONLY) |
2025-02-03 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人台北市台灣許姓宗祠「許姓宗親子女獎學金」The "Hsu Clan Scholarship for Descendants of the Hsu Family" of the Taipei City Taiwan Hsu Clan Foundation. |
2025-01-24 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人愛盲基金會「清寒視障學生助學金」Taiwan Foundation for the Blind "Financial Assistance Scholarship for Low-Income Visually Impaired Students" |
2025-01-22 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會「113學年度第2學期韌世代獎助學金」Taiwan Fund for Children and Families "Resilient Generation Scholarship for the 2nd Semester of the 113th Academic Year" |
2025-01-22 |
就學貸款 |
公告 113學年度第2學期就學貸款於114年2月2日起開始收件至2月25日(試行分批收件,詳情請查閱就學貸款網頁),逾期不受理。Student Loan Notice for the 2nd Semester of 113th Academic year (For TAIWANESE students ONLY) |
2025-01-21 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人行天宮文教發展促進基金會「行天宮資優學生長期獎助」The Hsing Tian Kong Cultural and Educational Development Promotion Foundation "Hsing Tian Kong Long-term Scholarship for Outstanding Students |
2025-01-21 |
就學貸款 |
公告 請於2月27日前至生輔組領取113學年度第1學期溢貸退償之台銀收據Please collect the Taiwan Bank receipts for the surplus repayment of the 1st semester of the 112th academic year before February 20th. |
2025-01-21 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人夢想之家教育基金會「摩根投信深耕專案大專學生獎助學金」The "Morgan Investment Trust Deep Cultivation Project University Student Scholarship" of the Dream House Education Foundation, a Foundation for Public Welfare. |
2025-01-20 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 113學年度第1學期「臺南市政府平埔族群原住民學生獎助學金」The "Tainan City Government Indigenous Student Scholarship" for the 1st semester of the 113th academic year. |
2025-01-17 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 113學年度第1學期「臺南市政府原住民學生獎助學金」The "Tainan City Government Indigenous Student Scholarship" for the 1st semester of the 113th academic year. |
2025-01-17 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人台北市九如禪林基金會「第四屆113年度優秀學生獎助學金」The "4th Annual 113th Outstanding Student Scholarship" of the Jiuru Zenlin Foundation, Taipei City. |
2025-01-17 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人儒鴻教育基金會「114年儒鴻教育獎助學金」RuHong Education Foundation, RuoHong Education Scholarship for the 114th Year. |
2025-01-15 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 中華郵政股份有限公司產學合作獎助學金The Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. Industry-Academia Collaboration Scholarship |
2025-01-15 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 財團法人中華開發文教基金會技藝職能獎學金The Skill and Vocational Scholarship of the CHINA DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION |
2025-01-09 |
公告/活動 |
公告 114年全國孝行獎活動實施計畫2025 National Filial Piety Award Activity Implementation Plan |
2025-01-03 |
校內獎助學金 |
公告 113學年度第1學期各界捐助獎助學金及勤學獎助學金獲獎公告 Scholarship Award Announcement |
2025-01-03 |
校外獎助學金 |
公告 合作金庫商業銀行114年研究獎金The 114th Research Award of Cooperative Bank of Taiwan |
2025-01-02 |
公告/活動 |
公告 教育部「2025總統教育獎」遴選活動Ministry of Education "2025 Presidential Education Awards" Selection Event |
2024-12-31 |