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校內獎助學金 公告 114學年度第1學期國立中興大學麗裕慈善基金會獎學金收件期間:月日至月日17時Li Yu Charity Foundation Scholarship Application dates : 03/03 ~ 03/14 (For TAIWANESE students ONLY) 2025-09-01
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人中華民國哈佛大學同學會獎學金基金會「114年度哈佛獎助學金」SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION OF THE HARVARD CLUB OF THE R.O.C 2025-03-21
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人切膚之愛社會福利慈善事業基金會「醫護及神學清寒獎助學金」The Medical and Theological Scholarships for the Underprivileged Of Cutting-Edge Love Social Welfare Charity Foundation 2025-03-20
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人中華開發文教基金會第十九屆「薪傳100課輔100」獎助計畫The 19th "Xinchuan 100 Tutoring 100" Scholarship Program of the Chung-Hua Development Culture and Education Foundation. 2025-03-17
校外獎助學金 公告 新北市政府教育局114年度就讀高級中等以上學校學生獎學金The 2025 New Taipei City Government Education Bureau Scholarship for Students Enrolled in Senior Secondary Schools and Higher. 2025-03-13
校外獎助學金 公告 中國青年救國團直屬臺灣省臺東縣團務指導委員會「114年陳柏峰教育基金會獎助學金」The 2025-03-11
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人中央通訊社114年陳博生先生新聞獎學金The Central News Agency Foundation 114th Mr. Chen Bosheng Journalism Scholarship 2025-03-11
校外獎助學金 公告 桃園市原住民族學生獎助-生活津貼Taoyuan City Indigenous Student living allowance 2025-03-10
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人陳忠陳葉蕊文教基金會清寒學生獎學金The "Chien Chung-Chen and Yeh Rui Cultural and Educational Foundation Scholarship for Economically Disadvantaged Students" 2025-03-07
校外獎助學金 公告 澎湖縣清寒優秀學生獎學金 Penghu County Scholarship for Outstanding Students from Low-Income Families 2025-03-06
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人白曉燕文教基金會警察子女獎助學金 The Bai Xiaoyan Educational Foundation Police Children Scholarship 2025-03-06
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人李國鼎科技發展基金會2025年「台達荷蘭環境獎學金」The 2025 "Delta Netherlands Environmental Scholarship" of the Li Kuo-Ding Technology Development Foundation, a nonprofit organization. 2025-03-05
校外獎助學金 公告 高雄市左營啟明堂樂善會114年大專在學學生獎助學金The 114th Annual Scholarship and Financial Aid for University Students of the Zuoying Qiming Tang Le Shan Association, Kaohsiung City. 2025-03-05
校外獎助學金 公告 桃園市政府教育局114年度推行小康計畫仁愛獎助學金The Taoyuan City Government Education Bureau's 114th Year Implementation of the Xiaokang Plan - Ren'ai Scholarship and Financial Aid. 2025-03-05
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會114年「寶佳大學生獎學金」The 114th "Paojia University Student Scholarship" of the Huang Kunhui Professor Education Foundation, a non-profit organization. 2025-03-04
校外獎助學金 公告 高雄市模範父親協會「在學優秀青年碩士生、大學生獎學金Kaohsiung City Paradigm Father Association 'Outstanding Student Scholarship for Graduate and Undergraduate Students.'" 2025-03-03
校外獎助學金 公告 嘉義市政府114年度「嘉義市千盞燈-照亮眾學生助學金」The Chiayi City Government's "Chiayi City Thousand Lanterns - Illuminating Students Scholarship" for the 114th year. 2025-02-27
校外獎助學金 公告 財團法人台北市山西文教基金會「山西籍學生一一三學年度助學金」The "Shanxi Province Students 113th Academic Year Scholarship" of the Taipei City Shanxi Cultural and Educational Foundation. 2025-02-26