歡迎參加~「破鏡還能重圓嗎?談劈腿創傷與關係修復」講座 Can a Broken Mirror be Reunited? Lecture on Cheating Trauma and Relationship Repair.
Can a Broken Mirror be Reunited? Lecture on Cheating Trauma and Relationship Repair.
★時間: 113.11.11(一)10:10-12:00
Date: Monday 11th November ,2024, 10:10 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Participant: all students.
★講師: 羅梵文諮商心理師(知心心理諮商所)
lecturer: LUO,FAN-WEN Counseling Psychologist ( Realizing Counseling Center)
★地點: 雲平樓F12教室
Location: Room F12 ,Yun Ping Building
Provide 1 hour of independent study points for the students who have not taken the course.
The lecture will be conducted in mandarin.
This event does not require prior registration, but you are welcome to come and participate on time!