【健檢公告-9/3更新】113學年度新生入學健康檢查預約名單公告【Health Check Announcement-Update on September 3rd】 Announcement of the Appointment List for Freshman Health Check-up at National Chung Hsing University for the 113th Academic Year
Announcement of the Appointment List for Freshman Health Check-up at National Chung Hsing University for the 113th Academic Year(113.09.03)
一、113學年度新生入學健康檢查,2024/9/9(一)至2024/9/13(五) 8AM~11AM校內線上預約名單如附件1-5(各時段預約結果,
一、 The health check for new students in the 113th academic year will take place from September 9, 2024 (Monday)
to September 13, 2024 (Friday) from 8 AM to 11 AM. The online appointment list for the campus is attached as
documents 1-5 (results of appointments for each time slot).According to the order of strokes in the name from
smallest to largest, it is recommended to complete the health check during the aforementioned period, and new
students must check in by 11:30 AM at the latest on the day of the health check.
二、 沒有預約到9/9-9/13健檢時段的同學,可視未額滿之時段,改以現場候位(報到仍以該時段預約者優先),
健檢報到時間:早上8點 至 11點30分。(請不要超過11:30)
二、Students who did not make an appointment for the health check-up from September 9 to September13
can wait on-site for available time slots that are not fully booked (those who have made an appointment
for that time slot will be given priority during check-in).Health check-in time: 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
(Please do not exceed 11:30)
1.Health check-up fee: 650 yuan per person, to be paid to the hospital on the day of the check-up.
2.攜帶證件/文件:身分證(報到時需查驗)、新生EZ come系統列印之「學生健康資料卡」。
2.Carrying identification/documents: Identification card (to be checked during registration)、
The "Health Data Self-Fill Items" printed by the new EZ come system.
3.健檢時間:2024/9/9~ 2024/9/13上午 08:00-12:00
3.Health check-up time: 2024/9/9~2024/9/13, 08:00-12:00 in the morning.
4.Health Check-up Location: South Basement B1 of the Hui Sun Hall on campus.
5.You need to fast for 6-8 hours before the examination (you may drink a small amount of
plain water). Please avoid intense exercise, staying up late, smoking, and drinking alcohol
for the three days prior.
6.Vision examination: If you wear glasses, please bring your glasses for measuring corrected vision.
7.Urine test: Collect midstream urine in a plastic cup and pour it into a urine test tube. If a urine test is needed
during menstruation, it should still be done.When submitting the sample, please inform the staff to make a
separate note.
8.X-ray examination: Please wear a top without buttons, metal, or sequins. If pregnant, X-ray examination is
not necessary.
三、Those who are unable to complete the health check-up at the scheduled appointment time:
Designated hospital (Taichung Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, enjoying contracted prices):
1.2024/9/18~9/30在預約名冊者,不需要提早預約,直接列印「新生EZ come系統」之「健康資料自填項目」
1.For those who are listed in the appointment book from 9/18 to 9/30 in 2024, there is no need to make an
early appointment. You can directly print out the "Health Information Self-Fill Items" from the "New Student
EZ Come System" and bring it to the hospital for supplementary examination. The reports will be sent to the
school's health and counseling center.
2.After 2024/10/1, please print the "Health Data Card" by yourself, fill in the items on the first page, and bring
it to the hospital. Reports must be collected by yourself, or you can pay for postage for assistance with mailing.
Please make an appointment during the "afternoon" time slot, hotline: 04-22260360, or 04-22294411 ext. 5300.