健康及諮商中心新服務【興憩小站—圖書館駐點諮詢服務】即將上線囉!New services of the Health and Counseling Centre are now available! Hsing Chill Station — Library-based counseling services
健康及諮商中心新服務上線囉! New services of the Health and Counseling Centre are now available!
健康及諮商中心與圖書館合作的【興憩小站—圖書館駐點諮詢服務】即將在新學期展開!! The Health and Counseling Center and the Library will cooperate in the new semester to launch the "Hsing Chill Station Library-based counseling services"!!
地點就在圖書館! The location is in the library!
周一、週三、週五的諮詢服務地點在「圖書館5樓508讀者討論室」 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday services are available in the "Group study Room 508 on the 5th floor of the library".
期中期末考試週舒心活動在「興閱坊」 Stress relief activities during mid-term final exam week is in "Learning Commons".
歡迎對保健營養、媒材工作坊、桌遊牌卡、心衛講座、心衛諮詢、心理測驗、等主題有興趣的同學一起來參加喔! Students who are interested in topics such as health and nutrition, handmade workshops, board games and cards, heart health lectures, heart health consultation, psychological tests, etc. are welcome to participate!
活動對象Participants:本校學生 Students of our school
因活動性質不同,每場諮詢活動報名方式/諮詢方式或可接受報名人數均有些微差異,如果想要了解更多活動資訊,建議您可以試試看這麼做 Due to the nature of the event, there may be slight differences in the registration method/consultation method or the number of people who can be accepted for each event, If you want to know more about the event, it is recommended that you try to do so
1.瀏覽健諮中心【活動訊息】各個活動詳細報名資訊 Browse the detailed registration information of each event on the official website
2.電洽主辦單位詢問,諮詢對象如下 Inquire the organizer by phone, and the consultation objects are as follows:
For a series of health care and nutrition activities, please contact:04-22840241轉13
Decoding: Emotional Navigation - Self-Role Exploration and Empathetic Reasoning, The beginning of winter is the time for nourishment , Christmas All Pass Candy please contact:04-22840241轉18
For other activities, please contact:04-22840241轉39