113/8/14(三)健康及諮商中心緊急心理諮詢服務暫停公告(Health and Counseling Center Emergency psychological consultation service Suspension Announcement)
諮商 2024-08-12 · 洪育偉 · 最新公告 · 點閱數:206
【健康及諮商中心 緊急心理諮詢服務 暫停公告】
Health and Counseling Center Emergency psychological consultation service Suspension Announcement
健康及諮商中心(惠蓀堂四樓Hui-Sun Auditorium 4F)因於113年8月14日辦理教育部113年度大專校院親密關係暴力防治研習,全日暫停提供緊急心理諮詢服務,造成不便之處,敬請見諒。
Health and Counseling Center will temporarily suspend emergency psychological consultation services all day on August 14, 2024, due to the Ministry of Education's training on the prevention of intimate partner violence. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.