【活動轉知】SKY 快樂充電站 Happy charging station
【SKY 快樂充電站】SKY Happy charging station
Understand how the brain affects the ups and downs of our positive energy,
and learn how to quickly replenish positive energy through emotional intelligence tips, breathing techniques, and meditation.
This activity is also an experience activity of SKY Happy Class.Interested students are welcome to sign up.
★日期和時間(Date): 5/21(二)和5/28(二)21:00-21:40( :May 21,9pm to 9:40pm/May 28, 9pm to 9:40pm)
★報名連結(Registration link):https://forms.gle/DSFG1t3KYgaShm5n8
★主辦單位(Organizer): 台灣SKY校園快樂課程Taiwan SKY Campus Happiness Program
★SKY校園快樂課程 (SKY Campus Happiness Program), 是全球性自我成長,壓力管理與韌力發展的大專院校正向社群、通識課程、和人道教育方案。
SKY Campus Happiness Program is a community-oriented, general education, and humanitarian education program for global self-growth, stress management, and resilience development in colleges.
★SKY Campus Happiness Program Taiwan(https://www.skycampushappiness.tw/)