【轉知】社團法人臺灣公衛學生聯合會113年4月至27日假中山醫學大學辦理「We Care U, U=U智庫論壇」工作坊課程活動訊息。
一、社團法人臺灣公衛學生聯合會為增進各級學生對於健康議題認識,鼓勵並提升同學們對於HIV之關懷與共感力,邀請本校同學踴躍參與本會辦理之「We Care U, U=U智庫論壇」,本活動旨在藉由專家座談與實務工作坊,使學員們了解U=U概念,並期盼營造性健康友善環境與共榮社會。
二、報名連結: https://forms.gle/FPF6oezjMAGp3tc77。
一、The Taiwan Public Health Students' Association aims to enhance students' awareness of health issues at all levels, encourage and increase students' care and empathy towards HIV. We invite students from our school to actively participate in the "We Care U, U=U Think Tank Forum" organized by our association. This event aims to help students understand the U=U concept through expert discussions and practical workshops, and we hope to create a constructive, health-friendly environment and a prosperous society.
二、Registration link: https://forms.gle/FPF6oezjMAGp3tc77。