【防疫宣導】水痘防治需知 【Epidemic Prevention Announcement】chickenpox prevention and treatment
保健 2024-03-19 · 陳柿霓 · 衛教宣導 · 點閱數:530
- 由於水痘、猴痘及麻疹皆為目前國際或國內流行之高度傳染性疾病,其臨床症狀相似,若您有不明原因發燒、出疹或水疱病變等疑似症狀時請立即向健康及諮商中心通報,以即時協助處置並減低校園傳播風險。
- 若您有接觸上述疾病患者,請進行健康自主管理,該期間請多休息、注意營養及勤洗手,出入公共場所佩戴口罩,不聚會、不共食。應盡量避免接觸水痘併發症之高危險群,例如:小於1歲之嬰兒、孕婦、癌症及免疫低下或缺陷者。如有任何身體不適或出疹請立即就醫。
- 罹患水痘之教職員生應佩戴口罩、穿著長袖衣褲儘速就醫,請假在家休養至全身所有水疱均結痂變乾,始不具傳染力。請假休養期間,應留意呼吸道衛生與遵循咳嗽禮節,盡量不出入公共場所及搭乘捷運、公車等擁擠的大眾運輸工具,不得已須前往公共場所時,應全程佩戴口罩並穿著長袖衣褲。
敬祝 體健安康
學生事務處健康及諮商中心 敬上
Dear faculty and students,
Recently, it is the season when chickenpox is more likely to occur, and there have been reported cases of chickenpox on campus. We hereby remind all faculty and students the following matters.
- Due to chickenpox, smallpox, and measles, which have the similarities in clinical symptoms, are highly contagious diseases and currently prevalent internationally or domestically. If you have the suspected symptoms, such as unexplained fevers, rashes, or blistering, please notify the Health and Counseling Center immediately, to provide immediate assistance in handling and reducing the risk of campus transmission.
- If you come into contact with patients with the above diseases, you must conduct self-management of your health. During the period of self-health management, it is suggested to rest more, pay attention to nutrition, wash hands frequently, wear masks in public places, avoid gatherings, and refrain from sharing food. If possible, please minimize contact with high-risk groups for complications of chickenpox, such as infants under 1 year old, pregnant women, cancer patients, and individuals with weakened or compromised immune systems. Meanwhile, if you have any discomfort or rash, please seek medical attention immediately.
- Staff and students who have contracted chickenpox should wear masks and long-sleeved clothing and seek medical attention promptly. Please stay at home until all blisters on the body have scabbed over and dried before you are no longer contagious. During the sick leave period, please follow respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, avoid going to public places, and refrain from using public transportation, such as subways and buses. If you are necessary to go to public areas, please wear masks and long-sleeved clothing.
If you have any questions, please call the Health and Counseling Center, Office of Student Affairs, during the office hours at 04-22840241 ext. 11-13.
Wishing you in good health.
With best wishes,
Health and Counseling Center, Office of Student Affairs