【健檢公告】新生健檢報告Health Examination Report
2023-10-06 · 許文馨 · 活動訊息 · 點閱數:435
- 112年9月30日以前完成的同學,健檢報告約在11月底由醫院統一發送至學校,屆時將以班級為單位送到系上讓同學簽收。
- 112年10月2日以後至臺中醫院補檢,請自行列印「健康資料卡」(附件6,請見網址:https://nchu.cc/7shhh),並填妥第一面自填項目;只是報告須自取或自付郵資至指定收件地址。
For students who have not yet completed the student health examination, please visit Taichung Hospital (contracted hospital, 650 NTD) as soon as possible. The health check report will be generated in the following two ways:
- For those who completed the health examination before September 30, the report will be sent to the school by the hospital around the end of November. It will be distributed to the departments by class for students to collect.
- For those who complete the health examination on or after October 2 at Taichung Hospital, please print the "Health Data Card" (Attachment 6, available at this website: https://nchu.cc/7shhh) and fill out the self-fill items on the first page. However, you will need to collect the report yourself or pay for postage to have it sent to the designated receiving address.