【健檢公告】112學年度新生入學健康檢查預約名單(2023.08.29公告)Enrollment Health Check Appointment List for the 112th Academic Year
保健 2023-08-29 · 許文馨 · 最新公告 · 點閱數:8306
- 112學年度新生入學健康檢查預約名單:9/4~9/8預約名單詳見附件1~5(各時段預約結果,依姓名筆劃由小至大排序)。
- 沒有預約到9/4-9/8健檢時段的同學,校方向健檢醫院爭取每時段有12名現場候補名額,可以現場候位(報到仍以該時段預約者優先)。
- 健檢報到時間:早上8點 至 11點30分。(請不要超過11:30)
- 無法於預約時間完成健康檢查者,可以至簽約醫院(衛生福利部臺中醫院,享合約價格):
(1)2023/9/11~9/28期間,不需要提早預約,直接列印「新生EZ come系統」之「健康資料自填項目」拿到醫院補檢,報告統一送學校。
- Enrollment Health Check Appointment List for the 112th Academic Year: Please refer to the attached document for the appointment list from 9/4 to 9/8.
- For students who did not secure an appointment during the health check time slots from 9/4 to 9/8, the university has negotiated with the health check hospital to secure 12 on-site standby spots for each time slot. Students can wait on-site as standbys (priority will still be given to those who had a prior reservation for that time slot).