【公文轉知】國際生命線台灣總會辦理「『謝謝你跟我說』全台生命線青少年心理健康網路支持平台計畫」,提供線上文字協談服務之相關資訊。【External information】International Lifeline association’s “Thank you for telling me” project, providing online texting consulting services
諮商 2024-06-18 · 詹凱硯 · 衛教宣導 · 點閱數:256
Topic: International Lifeline association Taiwan branch is helding“Thank you for telling me” project, providing online texting consulting services.
Type of services: Login through Facebook or Line to access relavent services.
Service hour: Monday to Friday, 13:00-17:00 and 18:00-01:00
Contact info:
1、該會官方臉書(Offical Facebook):社團法人國際生命線台灣總會。
2、該會官方Line(Official Line):@taiwanlifeline1995。
3、該會官網平台(Official Website):http://www.life1995.org.tw/?aid=2&iid=5。