★活動主題:黑暗教室-探索內在的光芒 Dark Classroom – Exploring the Inner Light
★時間:114/04/29(二) 15:00~17:00
Time: 2025/04/29(Tue) 15:00~17:00
★講師:賴淑蘭 助理教授 (通識教育中心)
Speaker: Lai, Shu-Lan, Assistant Professor (General Education Center)
★地點:健康及諮商中心會議室 (惠蓀堂1樓)
Location: Health & Counseling Center Conference Room (Hui-Sun Auditorium 1F)
Target audience: All faculty, staff, and students of the school
★備註 Note:
- 提供通識自主學習點數1點 Provide 1 point of self-planned learning.
- 提供教職員研習時數2小時 Provide 2 hours of faculty study time.
- 事先報名者提供餐盒 Meal boxes are provided for pre-registered participants.
- 本講座以中文進行 Lectures will be conducted in Mandarin.