歡迎參加~113-2生命教育講座—勇士之旅:救難經驗分享X搜救裝備體驗 The Warrior's Journey:Rescue Experience Sharing X Rescue Equipment Experience

!!!報名連結!!! https://www.osa.nchu.edu.tw/osa/hac/sys/modules/eguide/event.php?eid=442


台灣災難醫療隊發展協會 的 柳育漢秘書長 親自前來和大家分享災害第一現場的救難經驗



Event:The Warrior's Journey:Rescue Experience Sharing X Rescue Equipment Experience

※活動講師:柳育漢 秘書長

Speaker:Liu, Yu-Han, Secretary-General

※活動時間:114/03/26(三) 15:00-17:00

Date and Time:114/03/26 Wed. 15:00-17:00


Target audience: All students of the school.


Location:Room F12, Yun-Ping Building



  • 事先報名者提供餐盒 Meal boxes are provided for pre-registered participants.
  • 提供通識自主學習點數1點 Provide 1 point of self-planned learning.