【興健康講堂】夠努力就好 - 擺脫鴨子綜合症 Topic:【Hsing-Health Lecture Activity 】Just work hard enough – get rid of duck syndrome

????活動主題: 夠努力就好 - 擺脫鴨子綜合症】 Topic:Just work hard enough – get rid of duck syndrome

????活動時間: 114年05月28日 (三)14:10-16:10 Date:5/28, Wednesday, 14:10-16:10

????活動對象:本校學生 Target:All students

????活動地點: 雲平樓 B1 會議室 A Location: Yun Ping Building  Conference Room A(B1)

????講師: 楊淯惇臨床心理師(米露谷心理治療所)Speaker: Yang Juedun, Clinical Psychologist(Mirugu Psychotherapy Center)

????註一:本活動以中文進行  This lecture is conducted with mandarin.

????註二:本活動提供通識自主學習點數1點 This lecture provide 1 self learning point.

????註三:事先報名提供餐盒  Meal  boxes  are  provided  for  pre-registered  participant

????註四:若因故無法參與活動,請盡早通知承辦單位,以利後續人員報名參與  If you are unable to participate in the event, please inform the organizer as soon as possible.
