★活動主題:聊星咖啡館-世界關懷自閉症日 Special Education Lecture-Discussion on Autism
April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day.
Whether or not you have had experience with people with autism,
you are welcome to chat about autism together
and get to know these special friends.
★時間:114/03/28日(五) 10:00~12:00
Time: 2025/03/28(Fri) 10:00 ~12:00
★地點:圖書館興憩小站 (圖書館5樓508讀者討論室)
Location: Hsing Chill Station (Group study Room 508 on the 5th floor of the library)
★講師:周佳慧 輔導老師 (國立彰化師範大學 特殊教育中心)
Speaker: Chou, Chia-Hui, Counselor (Special Education Center of National Changhua University of Education)
Target audience: All students (10 students)
事先報名者提供餐盒 Meal boxes are provided for pre-registered participants.
本講座以中文進行 This lecture will be conducted in mandarin.