- 檢查方式(請學生至衛生福利部臺中醫院進行健康檢查):
- 健檢對象:各學制轉學生及復學生
- 健檢費用:650元/人,健檢當天繳交給醫院
- 攜帶證件/文件:
- 身分證(報到時需查驗)
- 自行列印學生健康資料卡或新生EZ come系統列印之「健康資料自填項目」
- 檢查須知:
- 檢查前需禁食6-8小時(可喝少量白開水),前三日請勿劇烈運動、熬夜、抽煙、喝酒。
- 視力檢查:有配戴眼鏡者,請攜帶眼鏡以便測量矯正後視力。
- 尿液檢查:用塑膠杯截取中段尿,再倒入尿液試管。如遇生理期仍需做尿液檢查,繳交檢體時請告知工作人員另做註記。
- X光檢查:請穿著無鈕釦、無金屬、無亮片的上衣,如有懷孕,不需要做X光檢查。
- 113學年度簽約醫院相關資訊:
- 簽約醫院(衛生福利部臺中醫院,享合約價格):
- 請自行列印「健康資料卡」,填妥第一面自填項目後至醫院,報告須自取,或自付郵資可協助郵寄。專線電話:04-22260360、或04-22294411轉5300。
- 體檢服務地點與時間:
- 3樓門診體檢中心】
週一至週六 上午08:00–11:00 - 下午13:30–16:00
- 3樓門診體檢中心】
- 至非簽約醫院如:大里仁愛醫院、中國醫藥大學附設醫院或其他醫院等完成健檢,費用約850 ~ 2300元不等(醫院等級不同,收費標準不同),並於完成健檢後,將學生健康資料卡與健檢報告正本一份繳交至惠蓀堂1F-健康及諮商中心。
- 新生如因故須於註冊當日隨即辦理休學者,可免做健康檢查。
- 休學者須於復學時完成健康檢查並繳交檢查報告至本校健康及諮商中心,始完成復學程序。
- 依據105年4月12日中市衛疾字第1050031848號函,將新生健檢列入新生入學流程完備之必要條件。若有健康檢查相關問題,請洽學生事務處健康及諮商中心,電話:04-22840241。
National Chung Hsing University 113 Academic Year Transfer and Re-admitted Students Health Check Instructions (February 17, 2024)
According to Article 8 of the "School Health Law," schools should establish a student health management system, conduct regular health checks for students, and keep records. The main purposes are to measure students' health status, identify deficiencies and diseases early, seek early correction, cultivate personal awareness, attitudes, and behaviors that value physical and mental health, and enhance parents' and teachers' attention and concern for student health. - Examination Method (Students should go to Taichung Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare for health check-ups):
- Target for health check-ups: Transfer students and returning students from various educational systems.
- Health check-up fee: 650 yuan per person, to be paid to the hospital on the day of the check-up.
- Carrying identification/documents:
(1) Identification card (to be checked during registration)
(2) Printed student health information card or "Health Information Self-Filled Items" printed from the New Student EZ Come system.
- Inspection Notes:
1. Fasting for 6-8 hours before the examination (you may drink a small amount of plain water). Avoid vigorous exercise, staying up late, smoking, and drinking in the three days leading up to the examination.
Alcohol, to avoid affecting the test results.
2. Vision test: For those who wear glasses, please bring your glasses for measuring corrected vision.
3. Urine test: Collect midstream urine in a plastic cup and pour it into a urine test tube. If a urine test is needed during menstruation, it should still be done.When submitting the sample, please inform the staff to make a separate note.
4. X-ray examination: Please wear a top without buttons, metal, or sequins. If pregnant, X-ray examination is not necessary.
- Information related to contracted hospitals for the 113th academic year:
1. Contracted hospital (Taichung Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, enjoys contracted prices):
(1) Please print the "Health Information Card" yourself, fill out the self-filled items on the front, and
then go to the hospital. Reports must be picked up in person, or you can pay for postage to have them mailed. Direct phone line: 04-22260360, or 04-22294411 ext. 5300.(2) Health check-up service location and time:
Health Promotion Building【3rd Floor Outpatient Physical Examination Center】
Monday to Saturday,08:00AM to 11:00AM
Monday to Friday,13:30 to 16:00 in the aftermoon
2. Students can complete their health check-ups at designated hospitals such as Dali Renai Hospital, China Medical University Hospital, or other hospitals. The cost ranges from approximately 850 to 2300 yuan (depending on the hospital's level and fee structure). After completing the health check-up, students should submit one original copy of their health information card to the Health and Counseling Center on the 1st floor of Wisun Hall.
- New students who need to apply for a leave of absence on the day of registration for special reasons are exempt from undergoing a health check.
- Students who have taken a leave of absence must complete a health check-up and submit the report to the Health and Counseling Center of the school upon returning to complete the re-enrollment process.
- According to the letter with reference number 1050031848 from the Department of Health of Taichung City dated April 12, 2016, the newborn health check has been included as a necessary requirement in the complete process of newborn enrollment. If there are any health check-related issues, please contact the Health and Counseling Center of the Student Affairs Office at 04-22840241.