認識精神疾病—互動式體驗展Interactive experience exhibition of Understanding mental illness


每個人都是獨特的存在,邀請您用多一點的認識理解代替害怕恐懼讓我們用嗅覺聽覺味覺視覺和您一起認識 憂鬱症焦慮症睡眠困擾自殺防治 展場每天都有不一樣的體驗活動+限量小禮物,還有線上有獎徵答抽精美好禮,千萬別錯過!!!

★活動時間:113/10/29(二)~113/11/1(五)09:00-16:00 (共4日)




Interactive experience exhibition of Understanding mental illness

We Are All Unique. We invite you to visit the exhibition area and learn more about mental illness.Let’s use our senses of smell, hearing, taste, and vision to learn about depression,anxiety, sleep disturbance, and suicide prevention!There are different activities & gifts at the exhibition every day, as well as online prizes and quizzes. Don’t miss it!!!



★Target: Faculty, staff and students of this school

★Location:1F of the Integrated Teaching Building