地震來時怎麼辦? What to do when an earthquake strikes?

#地震來時怎麼辦?What to do when an earthquake strikes?

#拿出手機發布地震文章?Take out your mobile phone and post an earthquake article?

#不不不正確做法應該是「趴下、掩護、穩住」No, no, no, the correct approach should be "drop, cover, hold on".

#地震防災影片請點選Please click on the earthquake disaster prevention video https://reurl.cc/xa0exb

In order to strengthen the understanding of earthquake evacuation essentials, the Ministry of Education has produced earthquake-related videos and teaching resources to enhance teachers and students’ disaster prevention knowledge and concepts. Please take advantage of them.

★地震相關教學資訊:防災教育資訊網/教學資源Earthquake related teaching information: Disaster Prevention Education Information Network/Teaching Resources: