Application for 2024 Special Education Scholarship

Application for 2024 Special Education Scholarship


Enrolled Before Academic Year 2021(Including Academic Year 2021)

 ※Required Documents:

  1.Application Form (Please contact the Resource Room)

  2.Copy of Student ID(Graduates submit a copy of their Certificate of Degree / Diploma)

  3.Copy of Disability Identification

  4.Copy of the front and back of Disability card

  5.Full Academic Transcript(Include Academic Year 2022)


Enrolled Before Academic Year 2022(Including Academic Year 2022)

 ※Required Documents:

  1.Application Form (Please contact the Resource Room)

  2.Copy of Student ID

  3.Copy of disability Identification

  4.Copy of the front and back of Disability card

  5.Academic Transcript in first Semester, Academic year 2023 and Academic Transcript in second Semester, Academic year 2023, include class rank


Application deadline:

From now until October 31, 2024(past the application deadline will not be processed),please prepare required documents and submit to Resource Room(1st Fl., Hui-Sun Auditorium).

TEL:04-22840241#21(Chou, Yu-Ping Resource Classroom Counselor)