【興健康講堂】吃得開心 笑得燦爛 健康幸福從「齒」開始【Hsing-Health Lecture】Eat happily, laugh brightly.Health and happiness start with

吃得開心 笑得燦爛 健康幸福從「齒」開始

Eat happily, laugh brightly.Health and happiness start with "teeth."

時間:2~4 PM
11/28, Thursday, 2 to 4 PM

Location:1th Floor, Huisun Hall, Student Affairs Office Conference Room

Target audience:Faculty, staff and students

報名連結:https://nchu.cc/3YE7! (報名期間:10月18日 08時00分~11月27日 12時00分)
Registration linkhttps://nchu.cc/3YE7! (Registration period: October 18, 08:00 AM to November 27, 12:00 PM )

⚠️Note:This lecture is held in Chinese


「醫生,我吃東西牙齒會痛。」"Doctor, my teeth hurt when I eat."

「醫生,我刷牙會流血耶!」"Doctor, I bleed when I brush my teeth!"

「醫生,我牙齒歪歪的,你幫我看看需不需要矯正?」"Doctor, my teeth are crooked. Can you take a look and see if I need braces?"

以上對話您是不是很熟悉?Are you familiar with the conversation above?

其實,口腔的各種問題都跟全身的健康息息相關!In fact, various oral problems are closely related to overall health!

牙醫師不藏私與您分享在日常生活中如何保持自身的口腔衛生健康~ The dentist shares with you how to maintain your oral hygiene in daily life without holding back~



Speaker: Dr. Lin, Sheng-En (Chen Zhixun Dental Clinic)


學經歷Education and Experience

國立陽明交通大學牙醫學系學士Bachelor of Dental Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

前台中榮民總醫院口腔醫學部醫師Physician at the Department of Dentistry, Taichung Veterans General Hospital

科隆白金牙醫診所醫師Cologne Platinum Dental Clinic Doctor