【健檢公告】113學年度新生入學健康檢查說明及預約名單【Health Check Announcement】Explanation and Appointment List for Freshman Health Checkup for the 113th Academic Year

National Chung Hsing University 113 Academic Year Freshman Health Checkup Instructions and Appointment List (113.08.30)

     The health check for new students in the 113 academic year, the online appointment overview for the health check of new
      students  on campus is as follows:
      一、All time slots are fully booked for September 9, 2024 (Monday). The reservation list is shown in Attachments 1-5.
      二、2024/9/10(二)至2024/9/13(五) 8AM~11AM時段尚有少量名額,建議於前述時段完成健檢,且校內新生健檢當日至遲需於上午11點30分
      二、From September 10, 2024 (Tuesday) to September 13, 2024 (Friday), there are still a few slots available from 8 AM to
             11:00 AM.  It is recommended to complete the health  check  during the aforementioned time period, and new students 
             must  check in by 11:30 AM at the latest on the day of the health check.

              預約網址: https://www.surveycake.com/s/AVg2O

              Reservation website:http://www.surveycake.com/s/AVg2O


               1.Health check-up targets: new students of all academic levels(Undergraduate students, master's students, doctoral 
                   students, in-service program students.), transfer   students,  and  returning students.


               2.Health check-up fee: 650 yuan per person, to be paid to the hospital on the day of the check-up.

               3.攜帶證件/文件:身分證(報到時需查驗)、新生EZ come系統列印之「健康資料自填項目」

               3.Carrying identification/documents: Identification card (to be checked during registration)、 
                  The "Health Data Self-Fill Items" printed by the new EZ come system.

               4.預約健檢時間:2024/8/30~ 2024/9/2(每個時段限150人)

               4.Book your health check-up appointment online: 2024/8/30~2024/9/2 (limited to 150 people per time slot).

               5.健檢時間:2024/9/9~ 2024/9/13上午 08:00-12:00

               5.Health check-up time: 2024/9/9~2024/9/13, 08:00-12:00 in the morning.


               6.Health Check-up Location: South Basement B1 of the Hui Sun Hall on campus.