活動訊息 |
諮商 導生活動來囉—密室逃脫,誰來挑戰 Tutor and student activities:Escape room, who will challenge? |
2025-03-11 |
活動訊息 |
保健 【轉知 Notice】台灣遠距藥事照護協會辦理「AI高效工作坊:醫藥護專業人員的實務應用」課程 "The Taiwan Remote Pharmaceutical Care Association is organizing a course titled "AI Efficiency Workshop: Practical Applications for Healthcare Professionals in Pharmacy." |
2025-03-10 |
活動訊息 |
特教 興憩小站-紓心活動-濾掛咖啡沖煮體驗 Hsing Chill Station Library- Stress Relief Activities- How to Brew Drip Coffee |
2025-03-10 |
活動訊息 |
諮商 歡迎參加~「手做療心-從襪子娃娃製作體驗情感療癒Emotional Healing Through Sock Doll Making」 |
2025-03-10 |
衛教宣導 |
保健 諾羅病毒預防方法Norovirus Prevention Methods |
2025-03-07 |
最新公告 |
保健 【興健康講堂】「愛不分界,知識是最好的保護傘」【Hsing-Health Lecture】「Love knows no boundaries; knowledge is the best protection」 |
2025-03-03 |
活動訊息 |
特教 【興健康講堂】黑暗教室-探索內在的光芒 【Hsing-Health Lecture Activity 】 Dark Classroom – Exploring the Inner Light |
2025-02-26 |
活動訊息 |
諮商 歡迎參加~113-2生命教育講座—勇士之旅:救難經驗分享X搜救裝備體驗 The Warrior's Journey:Rescue Experience Sharing X Rescue Equipment Experience |
2025-02-26 |
活動訊息 |
諮商 【興健康講堂】夠努力就好 - 擺脫鴨子綜合症 Topic:【Hsing-Health Lecture Activity 】Just work hard enough – get rid of duck syndrome |
2025-02-26 |
活動訊息 |
保健 【轉知】國立臺北護理健康大學健康照護產學合作中心辦理「長照青潮湧起來~全國健康照護服務形象創意影片競賽」徵件活動,請師生踴躍報名參加。[Notice] NTUNHS "Long-term Care Youth Wave Rising - National Health Care Service Image Creative Video Competition." We encourage teachers and students to actively sign up and participate. |
2025-02-24 |
最新公告 |
保健 【興健康講堂】口腔常識大會考【Hsing-Health Lecture】Oral Health Knowledge Exam |
2025-02-21 |
最新公告 |
保健 【興健康講堂】當3C藍光紀元來臨:Z世代的護眼對策 【Hsing-Health Lecture】 How Z-GEN and Minnenials protect their eyesight |
2025-02-21 |
活動訊息 |
諮商 「童話.世界」性騷擾、性侵害防治電影賞析座談 【Fantasy.World】Movie Show and Discussion about Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Prevention |
2025-02-20 |
最新公告 |
保健 養成衛生好習慣 預防流感及新型A型流感Develop good hygiene habits to prevent influenza and the new type A influenza. |
2025-02-18 |
衛教宣導 |
保健 【轉知】衛生福利部國民健康署所送「戒菸專線之戒菸教育服務說明」及「學校單位轉介未滿20歲吸菸者至戒菸專線作業事項」 [Notice] The Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Health Administration has sent the "Smoking Cessation Hotline Education Service Description" and "Procedures for Referring Smokers Under 20 Ye |
2025-02-18 |
活動訊息 |
特教 興憩小站-聊星咖啡館-世界關懷自閉症日 Hsing Chill Station Library-Special Education Lecture-Discussion on Autism |
2025-02-18 |
最新公告 |
保健 國立中興大學113學年度轉學生、復學生入學健康檢查說明 National Chung Hsing University 113 Academic Year Transfer and Re-admitted Students Health Check Instructions |
2025-02-17 |
活動訊息 |
諮商 興憩小站-圖書館駐點諮詢服務(Hsing Chill Station Library-based Consultation Services)~114/03/03從挫折中撿拾寶藏-以漫畫及故事看見自己的生命韌性(Picking up treasures from setbacks - seeing your own resilience in life through comics and stories) |
2025-02-14 |