截止報名時間 2025-03-21 14:00 名額 30 人 ,已報名 22 人,尚有餘額 8 人 人氣:247

手做療心-從襪子娃娃製作體驗情感療癒Emotional Healing Through Sock Doll Making



Monday 24th March,2025,14:00 to 17:00


Target audience: All students.

★講師: 林綉雅 諮商心理師(喜樂心理諮商所)

Lecturer:Lin,Xiu-Ya, Counseling Psychologist(Heart Hug Counseling Center)


Location:Room 411, Teaching Complex Building


Provide 1 point of self-planned learning.


Meal boxes are provided for pre-registered participants.


The lecture will be conducted in mandarin.