截止報名時間 2024-12-16 00:00 名額 4 人 ,已報名 1 人,尚有餘額 3 人 人氣:38

個別諮詢 Individual Consultation

■進行方式Process:第1位同學進行個別諮詢30分鐘,結束後再進行第2位同學個別諮詢30分鐘,依序完成第3位、第4位同學,因此若有報名時段重複的狀況,後續將由本場次心理師與您聯繫討論時間安排! The first student will have a 30-minute individual consultation, and the second student will have a 30-minute individual consultation after the end, and the third and fourth students will be completed in order, so if there is a duplicate registration period, the psychologist will contact you to discuss the time arrangement!