名額 416 人 人氣:4336
生命教育電影院Life Education Cinema
Inside Out 2
★日期(DATE):2024/6/20(四)、6/21(五)、06/24(一)、06/25(二)、06/26(三)( June 20th、June 21th、June 24th、June 25 th、June 26 th)
★地點:日日新影城(包場看電影,有遊覽車接送喔!)PLACE: SUNRISE Cinema(Private venue, tour bus transfer)
學生45位、教職員40位,額滿為止)Participant: Faculty and students(up to 85 max per session)( ★45  students,  40  faculty  and  staff)
★本活動提供豐富電影套餐(含餐食、小點與飲料等)This event provides a variety of movie meals (including meals, snacks, drinks, etc.)
#活動提供自主學習點數、學習時數The activity provides learning points and learning hours
#歡迎院系直接來電包場喔!(04-22840241分機26蕭社工師) Faculties and departments are welcome to reserve the venue.
#現場有拍立得合照、還有填問卷抽好禮唷,快來報名~There are Polaroid photos available and you can fill out questionnaires to win prizes.