According to the definition in the Gender Equity Education Act (abbreviated as the Gender Equity Act), sexual harassment refers to undesirable conduct of a sexual nature or conduct involving gender discrimination through verbal, physical, or other means, which impacts a person's dignity, learning, or work opportunities or performance. It also includes situations where submission to such conduct becomes a condition for obtaining, losing, or reducing education or work-related benefits for oneself or others.
According to the Gender Equity Act, sexual bullying refers to conduct involving language, physical acts, or other violent behavior that belittles, attacks, or threatens a person's gender characteristics, gender traits, sexual orientation, or gender identity, excluding behaviors that constitute sexual harassment.
It refers to the acts of sexual assault crimes as defined in the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act.
The act applies when one party in a gender-related incident is the president, faculty, staff, or a student, and the other party is a student. In other words, the university's Gender Equity Education Committee has jurisdiction over incidents of sexual harassment involving students that occur on campus.
When facing sexual harassment/bullying, first confirm your own feelings. Regardless of whether the perpetrator's intent was good, bad, or unintentional, if you let them know you feel uncomfortable, they should respect your feelings. Of course, you can assess the situation and choose whether to boldly say "no" out loud or express it in a more indirect manner; whether to directly resist or seek assistance from others.
When someone around you is sexually harassed/bullied, the most important thing is not to become an accomplice. For example, if someone makes offensive remarks about a person's body features, making that person uncomfortable, we should not join in to avoid "ruining the atmosphere" and can intervene to stop the harasser's words and actions. Most importantly, do not fall into the myth of "blaming the victim" by questioning the victim's qualities and behavior or doubting the standards for determining victimization. Everyone has different physical boundaries and feelings, and we should give trust and support.
Campus gender incidents refer to situations where one party is a faculty, staff, or student of the school, and the other party is a student, with any of the following circumstances potentially constituting a campus gender incident.
項次 Item No. |
行為態樣 Behavior Pattern |
行為類別 Behavior Category |
可能涉法類別 Potential Legal Category Involved |
1 | ◎尾隨當事人。
Following/stalking the person. ◎打聽、探查當事人行蹤,並於行經路徑、教室外、廁所等候,致當事人有不舒服或恐懼之感。 Inquiring about and investigating the person's whereabouts, and waiting along their routes, outside classrooms, bathrooms, etc., causing the person to feel uncomfortable or fearful. ◎阻擋當事人離開、強行攔堵或強行送禮。 Blocking the person from leaving, forcibly obstructing, or forcibly giving gifts. |
Stalking Harassment 不當追求 Inappropriate Pursuit |
Sexual Harassment 跟蹤騷擾 Stalking Harassment |
2 | ◎於浴廁內進行偷窺或偷拍之行為。
Peeking or taking photos/videos in bathrooms without consent. ◎未徵求當事人同意,逕自拍攝當事人之腰部、腿部或裙底。 Taking photos/videos of a person's waist, legs, or under their skirt without consent. |
Voyeurism 偷拍 Illegal Filming/Photography |
Sexual Harassment |
3 | ◎隨意評論他人外觀及穿著,並以告誡語氣說不應有此放蕩行為、勾引他人之語。
Commenting on others' appearances and dress, and using a warning tone to say that such promiscuous behavior or seducing others is inappropriate. ◎嘲笑他人外表、個性、舉止,或隨意評論他人的性別取向。 Mocking others' appearances, personalities, mannerisms, or casually commenting on their sexual orientation. |
Gender Discrimination |
Sexual Harassment |
4 | ◎對他人開黃腔、說一些帶有影射性的又與性或性別相關的用語。
Making lewd jokes or using suggestive language related to sex or gender towards others. ◎任意拍肩、摟肩、觸碰他人身體等不尊重他人之言行舉止。(提醒:即使是好朋友也可能會冒犯喔!!!) Randomly touching others' shoulders, hugging, or touching their bodies without respect (Reminder: This can offend even good friends!) |
Gender Discrimination 不當碰觸 Inappropriate Physical Contact |
Sexual Harassment |
5 | ◎違反當事人意願之性行為。
Engaging in sexual acts against the person's will. ◎強抱或觸碰當事人身體隱私部位,屬強制猥褻之行為。 Forcibly hugging or touching the private parts of a person's body, which constitutes forced obscenity. |
Violation of Sexual Autonomy 從事與性或性別有關之不受歡迎行為 Engaging in Unwelcome Conduct Related to Sex or Gender |
Sexual Assault (Infringement of Sexual Autonomy) |
Note: The behavior categories are for reference only.