Student Merit and Penalty

  • Rewards may be in the form of a commendation, minor/major merit, certificate, medal, or monetary award.
  • Disciplinary actions may be in the form of a reprimand, minor/major demerit, probation, dismissal, or expulsion.
  • Faculty and units shall have the right to recommend issuing a reward or disciplinary action to a student under applicable regulations with the President’s approval.
  • Rewards or disciplinary actions shall be kept on record throughout the student’s course of studies, except first-time offenders without a major demerit (by application). Expungement is separately stipulated in the Directives for Expunging Disciplinary Records.
  • Prior records shall remain valid for students recommencing studies after suspension.
  • Procedures shall adhere to the following regulations:
    1. Faculty or unit recommending a commendation/ reprimand/minor (de)merit shall provide information to the advisor and Office of Student Affairs for processing.
    2. Major (de)merit or above shall be reviewed by the Reward and Disciplinary Committee, approved by the President, and announced on the university bulletin board.
    3. The Committee shall notify the student’s department, supervisor, advisor, and all parties (the student for defense) to attend review meetings.
    4. The resolution must be documented with the description, facts, reasoning, notes on remedial methods, duration, and the processing unit.
    5. Parents/guardians of students with a major (de)merit or above shall be informed of such.
  • NCHU Student Application Form for Demerit Record Cancellation