Sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus

What is Sexual harassment?

According to the definition of Article 2, Gender Equity Education Act, Sexual harassment are cases that described by the following:
i)Unwelcome remarks or conducts that carry explicitly or implicitly a sexual or gender discriminating connotation and thereby adversely affect the other party’s human dignity, or the opportunity or performance of her or his learning or work.
ii)A conduct of sexual or gendered nature that is served as the condition for oneself or others to gain or lose rights or interests in learning or work.

What is Sexual Bullying?

According to the definition of Article 2, Gender Equity Education Act, Sexual bullying are cases that ridicule, attacks, or threats directed at another person’s gender characteristics, gender temperaments, sexual orientation, or gender identity by using verbal, physical or other forms of violence will be under the category of sexual bullying not sexual harassment.

What is Sexual Assault?

Means the crime which is defined in Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act.

Suitable Object for Gender Equity Education Act

Sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying that involves a school’s principal, faculty or staff member, or a student as one party and a student as the other party, which means sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus shall be the Suitable Object for Gender Equity Education Act.

What should I do when Sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual

If you are sexually harassed/sexually bullied...

When faced with sexual harassment/harassment, you must first check your own feelings. No matter whether the other party is harassing well-intentioned, unintentional or malicious, as long as you/you let the other party know that you/you feel uncomfortable, the other party should respect your/your feelings. Of course, you can judge the situation and choose whether to say "no" bravely and loudly, or tell the other party gently; whether to resist directly or ask for help from others.

In the event that harassing words or actions continue to occur, you may choose to:

  • Talk to people you trust and seek support.
  • Record what happened in as much detail as possible to facilitate future appeal evidence.
  • If you file a complaint with the school, the school will handle the issue of sexual harassment on campus through the "Gender Equality Education Committee" and provide the victim with necessary assistance.

If people around you experience sexual harassment/ sexual bullying...

When someone around you is being sexually harassed/bullied, the most important thing is not to be an accomplice in the situation. For example, when someone speaks a dirty word about the physical characteristics of the person present, thus making the person uncomfortable, we should not fear of making awkward silence, and we should come forward to stop the harasser's words and behaviors. The most important thing is not to fall into the "blame the victim" myth, question the characteristics and behavior of the victim, or question the criteria for identifying the victim. After all, everyone has different physical boundaries and feelings, and we should trust them with support.

In the event someone around you is bothered by sexual harassment/bully and asks for help, you can:

  • Be a listener, support and understand him/her, help him/her to stop the harasser
  • Provide resources and channels for him/her to seek help, such as the school's safety room, health and counseling center, trusted teachers or community counseling centers, etc.
  • File a complaint with the school as a whistleblower, and let the school's Gender Equality Education Committee handle it and provide the victim with necessary assistance

NCHU helping resources

  • Appealing office:Office of Student Affairs
    TEL: (04)2284-0610
  • 24hr helping hotline (Office of Student Safety) TEL: (04)228-70885
    On-campus Police: (04)2284-0285
    Health and counseling center: (04)2284-0241
  • NCHU Gender Equity Area of Office of Student Affairs
    Web link:

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