113學年度第二學期學生宿舍床位候補申請公告 Student Dormitory Announcement of Waitlist Application for Vacant Beds of the Second Semester of the 113th Academic Year
Application time:Starting from 9:00 a.m. on December 16, 2024(Mon)
2. 申請資格:113學年未取得床位之在校生(惟循環經濟學院學生請申請南投校區宿舍)
Applicant status:Students who have not obtained a bed space of the 113th Academic Year(Students of Academy of Circular Economy can only apply for
the Nantou Dormitory.)
3. 申請方式:填寫床位候補申請表(請至住輔組網頁/表格下載候補申請表),確認申請資料無誤後向服務中心送繳申請資料。
Application method:Fill in the Waitlist Application Form (please download the Waitlist Application Form from the webpage/forms of the housing service
division), confirm that the application information is correct and send the application information to the Service Center.
※ 申請表為雙面,請確實填寫;簽名處請申請人務必親筆簽名,未完整填寫者視同未完成申請,將由服務中心逕行退件。
※ The application form is double-sided and should be filled out accurately; the applicant must sign in person at the signature area; incomplete applications are
considered incomplete and will be returned.