113-2學期學生宿舍退宿相關期程公告(1112修正訊息)Schedule for Cancellation of Accommodation for Second Semester 2024 (113 Academic Year)
1. 退宿退費費用依本校住宿輔導辦法第十四條辦理。
2. 寒宿結束為114年1月31日,申請第二學期退宿者須於寒宿結束日前完成離宿手續(包含寢室清潔檢查與財產清點;個人物品未搬離者視同廢棄物處理),並退還宿舍鑰匙及車證,未完成離宿手續者視同第二學期續住並需繳交相關住宿費用。
3. 欲退宿者請於服務中心上班時間辦理(重要提醒:114年1月25日至114年2月2日為國定春節假期,宿舍服務中心暫停服務,申請第二學期退宿者敬請提早安排退宿相關事宜,逾時不候)。
4. 如有任何問題,敬請來電洽詢
1. The number of refunds is enacted according to Dormitory Regulations of National Chung Hsing University.
2. The end of the winter dormitory is January 31, 2025. Those who apply for the second semester of the dormitory must complete the procedures for leaving the dormitory before the end of the winter dormitory (including the dormitory cleaning and property inventory; those who have not removed their personal belongings will be treated as waste) and return the dormitory key and the Parking Permit; those who have not completed the procedures for leaving the dormitory will be treated as if they were continuing to reside in the dormitory for the second semester, and they will be required to pay the relevant dormitory fees.
3. If you wish to withdraw from the dormitory, please do so during the service center's working hours. The service center will be closed from January 25, 2025 to February 2, 2025, which is the spring holiday, so please pay attention to the time when you apply for the withdrawal of the dormitory.
4. If you have any question, please contact the following phone number.
Main Campus: Male Dormitory: 04-22840473, Second Village: 04-22840166, Female Dormitory:04-22840612
Nantou Campus: 04-22873181 Ext. 124 or 159, Fax: 049-2317574